Chapter Eight: The Outbreak

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Joel hadn't really noticed anything peculiar up until noon. People started leaving class, one by one they all left the school. He didn't understand the reasoning until after school. Joel was part of the schools study hall. It went till 7:30.

Class was held in the library, kids were in all corners of the room as the aid Mrs. Wilson walked around helping kids who needed assistance. Joel asked once but didn't get seen, he put his hand down out of embarrassment.

At first Joel only noticed Eric Samuels had begun breathing quickly. He was sat across from him in the library,
"Eric?" Mrs. Wilson asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. His breathing paused. Everyone in the library was looking at him. Out of nowhere Mrs. Wilson was thrown to the ground, her back hitting a table before she fell to the floor.

Joel stood up, along with the other 20 or so students in the library.
"Eric!?" Some other kids asked. Their words going unheard.
"What the fuck?" Joel mumbled as he noticed Eric spitting up what looked like hair, until the hairs started to move. Mrs. Wilson screamed at the top of her lungs, as Eric ripped into her neck.

Everyone screamed as Eric pulled a chunk out of their teachers neck, deep red blood spraying out of the wound. The class rushed to the doors of the library. Blocking the exit as they all attempted to leave at once. Joel stayed back as the blood curdling scream of a girl echoed out, the crowd falling back. Another student had appeared in front of the doors, but back wasn't safe either as Eric had risen to another attack.

The kids were cornered, Joel watched in horror as they all skunk to the ground one by one. Looking around Joel noticed a window, thinking on his feet he found a yard stick. Breaking it in half to make it sharp enough for defense.

With one elbow to the pane he broke through the window and essentially threw himself out of the building. The school was located just outside of the town, and the view of his home town from the school's front lawn wasn't pretty. Smoke billowing out of buildings, gunshots ringing out, and a large explosion showing off all at once.

"Joel?" Jaden asked. I looked around to find myself in a familiar sleeping bag. "We're you dreaming?" Jaden smiled at me, that adorable smile. "More or less." I responded.

We had quite a walk ahead of us. Jaden was of course taking the lead as usual for some reason.

We walked for 9 hours. Taking a brief stop to eat lunch, but otherwise it was no breaks. Around 7PM it started to rain and we looked for shelter.
"There." Jaden said pointing to an abandoned mall.
"Sure, seems safe." I was being semi-sarcastic. But  Jadens not stupid. If he wants to go I trust his opinion.

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