Chapter 2

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Her eyelashes trembled as Su Yue looked at the man with an expressionless face and pitch-black eyes that seemed bottomless. A chill ran down her back, and she knew he was telling the truth. 

He didn't care about her life or death at all. 

Su Yue pursed her lips. After the real contact, she realized that Jiang Ci, the male supporting character, was even more indifferent than described in the book. 

At this moment, the ringing in her mind was still accompanied by bursts of tearing pain, and Su Yue was uncomfortable with her facial features tightly wrinkled. 

No, she couldn't wait any longer. She had to go to the hospital. If she waited any longer, she suspected that she would die the next moment. Su Yue forced herself to stand up and took the bag placed on the small table next to the sofa, ready to leave. 

At this moment, a short figure walked in a bit clumsily. 

The small figure held a white and gray-eared cat in his arms, and he walked a little unsteadily. Su Yue had no doubt that the cat in his arms could be dropped to the ground at any time. 


When the small figure passed by Su Yue, his little nose wrinkled, and he coldly snorted at her, then walked to Jiang Ci's table while holding the cat, looked up at him with a soft, milky voice, and shouted, "Daddy, good morning." 

Jiang Ci put the last bite of cake into his mouth and responded coldly, "Hmm." 

The little guy is Jiang Haoyan. He put the cat in his arms on the ground and then walked to the corner of the wall, struggling to drag a stool over. He sat on the stool with his little butt sticking out. 

There was only a bowl of fish porridge and a plate of bread left on the table. Jiang Haoyan's big black eyes turned around, but he didn't see the cake. He pursed his little mouth and knew that his father had eaten it. He stretched out his two chubby hands and held the fish porridge in front of him. With his head down, he silently ate breakfast. 

"Meow, meow. . ."  The cat nestled obediently next to the stool, lazily lying down and closing its eyes to sleep. 

A disfigured blind man, a cold little brat, and a sleepy cat. Such a combination is really indescribably funny. 

Su Yue is not in the mood to care about them now. She has to go to the hospital. 

Just as she stepped out of the door, Su Yue suddenly stopped and her eyes were full of shock. 

Her head. . . 

The pain was gone, and the noisy ringing in her ears disappeared. 


She was in so much pain just now, but now it's gone?

She touched the bump on her forehead that was caused by the collision. Yesterday, Jiang Muhang had the doctor give her some medicine, but the bump had not gone away. Normally, touching the wound would be painful, but at this moment she felt no pain. 

Su Yue stretched her limbs and found that her body, which had rolled down the stairs, was no longer in pain. 

What happened? Did it suddenly get better?

Su Yue stood still and turned to look at Jiang Haoyan, who was sitting next to Jiang Ci. The little guy was cute like an angel, and when he noticed her looking at him, he furrowed his small eyebrows and glared at her fiercely before continuing to eat breakfast. 

I don't mind if you're ugly and blind [transmigration novel] ChatGPT TranslatedWhere stories live. Discover now