Chapter 44

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When they returned to the small building, it was already past nine o'clock. 

Jiang Haoyan was playing with coriander in the room while waiting for Jiang Ci. At this time, he saw his father, Su Yue, walking in with a red face and unsteady steps. The little guy dropped coriander and walked to Jiang Ci's side, "Daddy, what's wrong with her?"

"She drank alcohol and turned into a little crazy person."  Jiang Ci half hugged Su Yue's waist, letting her lean softly against him. 

"Crazy person?" Little Haohao swallowed his saliva fearfully, "Will she hit people?"

Jiang Ci's eyelids drooped. He thought of when Su Yue bit him hard while kissing in the car earlier. He tugged at the corner of his mouth and said with a joyful voice, "She won't hit people, but she will bite people."  He licked the corner of his mouth, which was still tingling and had a faint lotus fragrance. 

"Ah, Daddy, she will bite you when she's drunk? What should we do?" Little Haohao furrowed his two small eyebrows, feeling very worried. 

Jiang Ci walked towards the big bed while holding Su Yue lazily, "It's okay, Daddy will bite her back." 

Hearing this, Little Haohao was stunned. Will his father and Su Yue fight? Now that Su Yue is not so annoying, he. . . he quite likes her, especially when she touches his head, hugs him, and says goodnight to him. 

"Daddy, she's not good, don't bite her so hard."  Little Haohao raised his small head and said in a milky voice, "Just scold her, don't fight, okay?"

Jiang Ci paused, his face unusually raised his eyebrows, "Fight?" He put Su Yue on the bed and laughed in his voice, "You go to sleep, we won't fight." 

Upon hearing his father's words, little Haohao breathed a sigh of relief, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. 

After the door was closed, the room fell into a moment of silence. 

Jiang Ci's hands were crossed in front of his chest, he lowered his head, and his pitch-black eyes had no focus, but he could see a little light. Thinking of the little guy's words just now, he sneered, "Fight? Two little demons fighting?"

Su Yue, who was thrown onto the bed, opened her eyes, "Jiang Ci."  She looked at the man in front of her with a dizzy head, "I want to take a bath." 

Jiang Ci didn't respond. After a while, he leaned down and approached her, "What did you say?"

"Jiang Ci, I want to take a bath."  Su Yue sat up, pulling at her dress, "I can't sleep without taking a bath." 

"You're right, you can't lie on the bed when you're dirty."  Jiang Ci raised his eyebrows, and asked in a low voice, "So, do you want me to help you wash?"

Su Yue blinked her eyes, her eyes misty, "No, I can wash myself." 

Jiang Ci tugged at the corner of his mouth, sounding somewhat regretful, "Oh, you're actually sober."  

He reached out his hand and let Su Yue take it, "Get up."  

Su Yue obediently held his hand. 

Leading her to the bathroom, Jiang Ci spoke in a low voice, "Hurry up and wash, I have to hold you to sleep."  

Su Yue, who had been drinking, was well-behaved and hadn't been acting crazy, doing whatever she was told. Now, upon hearing Jiang Ci's words, she obediently nodded, "Okay."  

Jiang Ci walked out of the room, satisfied, and considerately closed the door behind him. 

It was unclear how much time had passed, but other than the sound of water, there was no other noise inside. Jiang Ci impatiently knocked on the door, "Su Yue, are you done washing?" 

I don't mind if you're ugly and blind [transmigration novel] ChatGPT TranslatedWhere stories live. Discover now