Chapter 104

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The next day, Su Yue still had scenes to shoot because they were close to finishing, and she couldn't take a leave. However, she worked quickly and finished several scenes in one take, so it didn't take up much time. 

As evening approached and she returned home, Su Yue found that all the servants were gone, and Jiang Haoyan was nowhere to be found. The quiet living room only had Jiang Ci, dressed in a straight black suit. He looked formal and rigorous, with a black fitted suit jacket, a black shirt, and a black tie, exuding an indescribable sense of restraint. 

"Where's the child?" Su Yue asked, looking around and noticing that even the cats, Xiangcai and Xiangcong, who usually liked to curl up in their beds, were gone. 

"Grandma misses him and sent someone to pick him up to play for a few days," Jiang Ci said. How could he let the little troublemaker stay here and get in the way, like a light bulb? At noon, Jiang Ci had already had someone pack a few sets of clothes for him and sent Xiangcai and the stupid dog to Song Grandma's house. 

"What about the others?" The house was quiet, and none of the other servants were there. 

"Oh, I gave them the day off today," Jiang Ci said lazily. 

"Shall we go out to eat later?" It was her birthday today, shouldn't he take her out to celebrate?

"No need, I'll cook," Jiang Ci said as he casually took off his black suit jacket and unbuttoned his sleeves, rolling them up slowly. 

Su Yue was shocked. "You can cook?"

Jiang Ci raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a problem with that?" "No, I'm just surprised. I never knew you could cook," Su Yue laughed. 

Jiang Ci snorted. He had never cooked before, but he had been reading a lot of recipes lately. It was an easy thing, and it wouldn't be difficult for him at all. 

Su Yue didn't know where she found a brand new apron to tie around him. The man was tall and dressed in black, with a fresh little apron with pink floral patterns. He looked stern and cold, but still somewhat cute. 

After tying a bow behind him, Su Yue looked at his outfit and smiled. 

"Is it funny?" Jiang Ci glanced at her. 

Su Yue shook her head. 

"If you want to laugh, go ahead. It's only for today." He wore such an ugly thing just to cook for her? She would eat what he made, and then he would eat what she made. 

It was fair. 

"Wait for me in the living room," Jiang Ci hooked his lips, glanced at Su Yue, and walked into the kitchen. 

Su Yue was a little worried. It was the first time she had ever known Jiang Ci could cook, and it was unbelievable. She thought about going into the kitchen to help him, but her phone rang. 

"Yueyue, Xiaoxue and I are at your doorstep. Can you ask someone to open the door? Where is your security guard?" Jin Mingyuan's voice came through the phone as soon as it was answered. 

"You guys are here?" Su Yue was surprised. 

"Yes, didn't we agree to give you a birthday surprise last night?" Jin Mingyuan urged. "It's cold outside, Yueyue, please ask someone to open the door quickly. "

"Okay, wait a minute." After hanging up the phone, Su Yue said to Jiang Ci in the kitchen, "Mingyuan and Xiaoxue are here, they said they want to celebrate my birthday. I'll go open the door for them. "

In the kitchen, Jiang Ci's handsome eyebrows furrowed unhappily upon hearing Su Yue's words. Two people who didn't understand the situation had come when the little troublemaker wasn't around. 

I don't mind if you're ugly and blind [transmigration novel] ChatGPT TranslatedWhere stories live. Discover now