Chapter 93

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Su Yue glanced at Jiang Haoyan who was talking to Xiang Cai Xiang Cong beside her, ignoring Jiang Ci. His face was getting thicker and thicker. The child was still young and didn't know how to restrain himself. 

When they arrived at the school, there were many cars parked outside the kindergarten, and parents were coming and going with their children at the entrance. Many children had put on makeup and dressed up as various characters, such as little zombies, little pumpkins, and Superman. They were cute and lovely. 

Su Yue held Jiang Haoyan's little hand, while Jiang Ci held her other hand. Many parents and students had already arrived in the classroom. There were pumpkin patterns and decorations on the walls and ceilings, and each desk had some juice and candy. Every child was excited and lively. 

"Haohao, you are Batman, and I am Spider-Man." Over there, a short and stout boy with a dark complexion ran over, and Da Zhuang also made a Spider-Man pose to little Haohao. 

Little Haohao's big black eyes were shining brightly. He looked at Da Zhuang in surprise and said, "Da Zhuang, let's fight the bad guys together. . . "

Seeing parents arriving one after another, Lu Xiang and another kindergarten teacher were preparing to announce the rules of the Halloween activity to the parents. After the accident with Jiang Haoyan last time, Lu Xiang was not dismissed by the school, but was criticized. Whether she could become a regular teacher depended on her performance in the future. 

Knowing that her situation was not good, Lu Xiang had been working very hard lately. She was sweet-looking and always said nice things to every kindergarten teacher. For a while, she was doing well in the kindergarten. 

Looking at the most conspicuous two people in the crowd of parents, Lu Xiang recognized them at a glance as Jiang Haoyan's parents, Su Yue and Jiang Ci. She didn't have the mood to scrutinize these two parents that day, but now she felt that Mrs. Jiang was stunningly beautiful. 

Snow-white skin, black hair, bright eyes, and white teeth. 

The other party was wearing a gentle nude pink dress. It was slightly chilly, so she wore a beige knit sweater over it, embroidered with a few fresh flowers. It was elegant and gentle. The hem of the dress was irregularly crumpled, revealing her slender and white legs. The whole person was bright and lively, not at all like a child's mother, but more like a young girl. Lu Xiang couldn't help but secretly envy those who could enter this kindergarten. Those who could enter must come from wealthy and powerful families. This Mrs. Jiang is so beautiful and outstanding, it must be because she has used money to build her image. If she had money or could marry into a wealthy family, she wouldn't be worse off than Mrs. Jiang. 

"Lu Xiang?" The other female teacher next to her pushed Lu Xiang. "What are you daydreaming about? I've called you several times. "

"Sorry, I was lost in thought." Lu Xiang quickly apologized. 

"You distribute the game rules to each parent first, and I'll read them aloud," the female teacher said. 

"Okay, no problem, I'll do it." Lu Xiang took the beautifully printed paper and distributed it to each parent. When she came to the parents of Jiang Haoyan, she showed a little apology and was gentle and generous. She didn't show the eagerness and panic she had at the hospital before. "I'm really sorry about what happened to the child last time. I hope you two have a good time with Haoyan today. "

Su Yue took the promotional flyer for the game rules and nodded. 

Before leaving, Lu Xiang's gaze inadvertently fell on Jiang Ci, who was standing next to her. This Mr. Jiang was cold and had ruined his appearance. She also secretly glanced at Su Yue. It seems that marrying into a wealthy family also requires a price. 

I don't mind if you're ugly and blind [transmigration novel] ChatGPT TranslatedWhere stories live. Discover now