Ch. 2: Rememberance

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In a place far north, there was a manor made out of a smooth white marble. In one of its many latge windows, a girl stared out the window. She was in a fablous white dress with a blue fade as she sat on a cushioned chair with her hands folded in her lap as she continued to stare in sadness.

A knock on her door snapped out of her thoughts, causing her to answer. "Yes?"

At that, a light brown eyed, balding brown haired butler entered. "Pardon the interruption, Miss Schnee, but your father wishes for your presence."

"Thank you, Klein," Weiss said, sighing. She looked out the window once more before getting up and walking out her room, her heels clanking as she exited.

Knowing where she is needed, she makes her way towards there, alone, walking along well decorated corridors. They had patterned coloums every where and had mostly calming nature art on the walls. But nothing in there was improving Weiss' mood. She never looked up, feeling gloom, until she has a startled reaction to hearing a voice coming from right in front of her.

"Good afternoon, sister."

A teenage boy, sharing the same features yet somewhat younger than Weiss, stands before her, along with a obtuse man in a suit and his heavily black armoured hired guard, his helmet masking his face. The young boy got his hand on his chest and he affects a bow. "A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change," he said.

"Hello, Whitley, Mr Bill. Are you finished your meeting with my father?"

"Yeah, Jus' seeing me and my guards out before one of them needed the loo and bumping into young Whitley here," he answered. "Y'know, it was a shame what happened to Beacon, you would've been a fine Huntress for Vale." Weiss was about to thank him when he began to ramble on how he was Huntsman from Vale before becoming an entrepreneur and moving to Atlas. Whitley on his right, pulled out his right hand and mouthed mockingly with it, which made Weiss smile a bit.

A cough caught everyone's attention and they turned to see the other guard, in a similar outfit to the other one. "Si- Hrrmm- Sir. Let's get to the transport now."

"You took sweet time in the bathroom, Natasha." Bill then turned to the Schnee's. "Well, tell your father and your mother, especially her, that I had a swell time. See you around." Bill left with his guards walking behind him.

One of them, Natasha, caught Weiss' eye. Something about her was familiar, but Weiss couldn't place it. "Thank heavens, I thought he'd never leave," said Whitley.

"You're in a cheery mood today."

"Klein made crepes for breakfast." He clasps his hands behind his back and smirks at her.

"What do you want?" Weiss asked

"I heard Father shouting with someone in his study earlier after Mr Bill left," he said.


"No, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man." Weiss looks up at him on this before his look became concerned. "I just wanted to warn you. I heard he had asked to speak with you."

"I'll be fine."

"I know you will. You are strong, like Winter."

"You never liked Winter."

"True, but you can't deny her resolve."

Weiss was surprised by this. Last they met, he was a shorter boy who seemed to be equally as arrogant as her once. "You... seem different."

"And you've been gone. I'll have you know I didn't stop growing while you were away at Beacon." Whitley turns and walks away, passing the family portrait. "Anyway, good luck with Father!"

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