With the amulet in hand, the group set to locating Yami and Chilled as they awaited the remaining members in the Irish man's home. Mark had been attempting to locate the British man using his persoanal connection to him, but to no avail. It was likely that the creature's aura was blocking both of theirs, making tracking them near impossible. The storm outside wasn't helping their situation either; the wind as howling, the rain assaulting the ground as lighting tore open the bruised skies, thunder erupting moments later.
"You guys need to calm down, you're going to drown this place."
Minx sighed, holding Krism close to her side as they sat upon the pleather couch. The storm waned for a brief moment, only to return to full force moments later.
"I'm sorry, but I can't seem to control it as well at the moment. Now, things like 'natural disasters' are to help the planet. But this... This feels like my energy has been thrown off balance..."
"I think this whole incident if affecting all of us... No matter how hard we try, once we get emotionally involved in a situation such as this, our powers fluctuate, even if it's only a little..."
"How would that affect the rest of us?"
Mark pondered, the question swimming throughout the group's thoughts. If it affected Mother Nature in such a manor as displayed outside, the others abilities could have just as concerning results. A knock on the front door broke the awkward silence, and Jack went to answer the door, wary of who their next guest may be. But upon opening the door, they were greeted with two familiar faces. Drenching wet from the storm, both Cry and Felix stripped themselves of their jackets and boots, piling them next to the rest.
"So... What's the plan captain?"
"We try to find out where they are, sneak in, and try to trap it in this amulet."
Ken explained swiftly, twirling the sparkling amulet between his fingers listlessly, his eyes gazing somewhere far beyond the room. As the couple shuffled near the fire, Minx immediately sensed that something was off. And as she observed the room, she noticed that the others were picking up on it as well. The dark, foreboding aura that begun to choke out the air in the room, ice-like dread seeping into their pores. Cry seem to be ignorant to the sudden change in atmosphere, and Felix simply kept his head low, showing no emotion.
Looking to her parents, then to her brothers, a plan was set with a few simple gestures. No words needed to be spoken, they knew what needed to be done. As Adam gently pulled Cry away from his boyfriend, both Ken and Minx kneeled before the Swedish man, reaching for him. But he pulled away from their tender touch, and it became apparent that he was crying. Hot, salty tears bit through the chilled rain upon his face, leaving his face flushed crimson.
"Felix, what happened?"
"It hurts....."
His hoarse voice was just barely above a whisper, but they heard it clearly as day. Again, Minx reached for the trembling man, but released him once he let out a pained whimper.

Nightmares... 'Markimash'
FanfictionThis is the sequel to 'Mr.Sandman, send me a dream'~ More youtubers in this one too~!