A New Beginning.

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*the day after your wedding you wake up early and carefully get up to not wake Geralt and walk to the thrown room to see Mary sitting by the window*

Mary: "I owe you an apology, you deserve to be happy y/n. I never should have tried to stand in the way of that."

You: "I don't deserve this..what I deserve is a life behind these castle walls. Mary I'm not ready to leave Asgard."

Mary: "You deserve to feel free y/n, you've always put yourself last..for once think of yourself. Forget the world and what the people think and embrace your new life, your new beginning."

*You smile and hug her*

You: "promise you'll handle things for me here and please don't let uncle thor touch anything well holding his hammer."

*Mary giggles*

Mary: "I promise, but I expect lots of updates and visits when you can."

You: "I promise."

*You hug her one last time before walking out into the garden and taking one last look*

Geralt: "you alright?"

You: "No, but I didn't expect to be. I'm not sure I'm ready to leave yet."

?: "We'll be fine darling."

*You turn around to see your dad*

Loki: "Your a wife now y/n, it's time to move on. Stop letting Asgard hold you back."

You: "dad I..I don't know what I'm doing, I'm trying but.."

Loki: "it will take time but you'll catch on, it won't be easy but it will be worth it."

You: "what about you?"

Loki: "ill adjust, I knew one day id have to watch you become what you were always destined to be."

You: "and what's that?"

Loki: "You'll figure that out soon enough darling. *He pulls you close* I love you so much."

You: "I love you to dad."

Jester: "Geralt, princess.. your horses are ready."

Mary: "looks like it's time.."

*You tear up*

Mary: "we'll see each other soon, I promise."

*You smile well she wipes your face*

You: "I love you all, please don't forget that."

Loki: "never darling, now get going you only have so much daylight."

*He smiles and helps you onto your horse*

You: "I'll write you tomorrow Mary."

Mary: "I'll be waiting."

*She smiles and waves as you and Geralt ride away*

*After a few hours jester rides up beside you*

Jester: "how are you feeling?"

You: "I'm very tired, how much longer?"

Jester: "about 2 hours, would you like to stop and rest?"

You: "no I'll be fine. ride on ahead with Geralt, I need a moment."

*He smiles and does what you ask*

Jester: "have you thought about how yennefer will react?"

Geralt: "I don't care, she'll respect her or she can stay away."

*You ride up next to them*

You: "If you don't mind can we stop for a few minutes? Im not feeling so good."

Geralt: "of course, we'll stop right up here."

*After a few minutes you stop and sit against a tree*

Geralt: "can I get you anything?"

*You shake your head no well falling asleep*

Jester: "should we set up camp for the night?"

*Geralt looks at you asleep against the tree and smiles*

Geralt: "I think so, she's had enough for one day. But before anything else let's get her a proper bed."

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