Welcome Home.

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*the next morning you wake up to see Geralt sitting by the fire and walk over*

You: "I made us late getting home..I shouldn't have asked to stop. People were expecting you, I'm sorry."

Geralt: "They will be fine, you needed rest."

You: "Can I ask you something?"

Geralt: "Of course."

You: "Why did you choose me?"

Geralt: "Many reasons."

You: "Name one."

Geralt: "Your loyalty."

*You look at him confused*

Geralt: "I see how much you care about others, that type of loyalty is hard to find. But I saw something in you I didn't see in Mary."

You: "And what might that be?"

Geralt: "The sparkle in your eyes."

*You look at him trying to hide your blushing cheeks*

Geralt: "I knew from the moment I saw you in the thrown room that you would be my choice. But to be fair I still gave both of you a fair chance."

You: "Thank you. Although I hadn't seen you talk to Mary, when did you see her?"

Geralt: "The night I arrived, she was inviting her friends to the wedding."

You: "She has a tendency to be a bit to rambunctious."

*You give a small smile*

Jester: "Good morning princess, how did you sleep?"

You: "good morning jester and very well, thank you but please..call me y/n."

*You both smile*

Jester: "We should get going, we're only an hour away. If we leave now we should make it before yenne..our guest arrives."

Geralt: "I assured you yesterday jester, she will show respect or she can leave."

You: "I'm sorry, who are you talking about?"

Geralt: "No one important. Let's get going."

*You get on your horse and start riding off with jester. After what felt like forever you finally arrive.*

Geralt: "Welcome home darling."

*You look around and see everyone staring at you*

You: "Jester...why are they looking at me like I've done something wrong?"

Jester: "Just keep going and don't stop until Geralt does."

*You ride of closer to Geralt who has a look of anger on his face.*

You: "Geralt, what's going on?"

Geralt: "I'm not sure, stay close to me."

*You continue riding for a few more minutes until Geralt stops in front of your new home.*

Jester: "Go ahead in, I'll grab your things."

*You walk inside and start looking around when you spot a woman sitting on the bed*

?: "Who are you?!"

Geralt: "my wife."

*She looks at him then back at you with eyes full of hatred*

?: "Is that where you've been? The whole town has been looking for you!"

Geralt: "I doubt that, I informed them I would be gone a few days."

*The woman looks back at you*

?: "You don't belong here, go back to where you came from."

*You step back as she steps closer*

Jester: "step back Yennefer, she's done nothing to you."

*You grab jesters arm well hiding behind him*

Yennefer: "She's ruining everything!"

Geralt: "ENOUGH! *you jump* leave!"

Yennefer: "You hurd him!"

Geralt: "I'm referring to you Yennefer. Get out of our home. Now."

Yennefer: "Geralt you love me..ME! Not some peasant you found on the streets!"

You: "From where I stand, your the peasant."

*She looks at you*

Yennefer: "who do you think you are?!"

*You step from behind jester*

You: "I am y/n, princess of Asgard and wife to Geralt Of Rivera. Two titles of witch you will never be worthy of."

*Jester smiles at you*

You: "Now leave our home before I have you thrown out."

Yennefer: "You can't speak to me that way! I am.."

You: "ENOUGH! You may think your perfect but your not! I see what you really are, a poor farmers daughter sold to a witch who made a deal with someone to become beautiful. I see things both past and present, I know things about you no one else does. Don't underestimate me Yennefer or I promise you, everyone will know the truth about you."

*She storms out*

Jester: "How did you.."

You: "it's my gift as my grandfather calls it. I can see things about people that only they know. But I never use this gift unless it's needed, in this case I felt it was."

Geralt: "In this case you'd be right. I'm sorry, I didn't know she would be here."

You: "It's alright."

*You feel a kick in your stomach and jump a bit*

Geralt: "What happened?"

You: "the baby kicked for the first time."

*You smile and gently place Geralts hand on your stomach to feel and he smiles*

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