Chapter 1- Who am i?, you're Daniel.

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"There he is!"
"Get him!"
They rush through the woods screaming, chasing this kid in a gown. The kid tumbles down a ledge and the men stop in their tracks.
One of them say as they flash their light waiting for a sound.
"He's gotta be dead"
"let's just head back and report to the doctor." The men turn around and head back.


Faint muffles can be heard...
"Is he awake?"
"Hey there kiddo.."
A strange man in a police uniform reaches for the child, the child slaps his hand away and looks around worriedly.. who are they?
"We found you on the road"
one of them steps up, she's a tall, blonde hair women with dark brown eyes, she has a police uniform on too. Is she bad? The kid grips the blanket he didn't notice before.
"Wha..t.. d-do you want.."
he's having trouble speaking, The adults looks at each other and sigh.
"Do you know how you got on the road? You gave our Chief here quite the fright"
"I-i.. I do not know. I apol-l-logize.."
he grips the blanket even harder than before.. why can't he remember? who.. who is he? "What's your name kid?"
The tall blonde woman asks.
"N-name? My name is.."
"I do not remember."
He looks down and scrunches up..
"'re name will be.. Daniel.."
the woman sits on the bed and grabs his hand. "I'm Chief Lucine.. you can call me Lucy.. okay?" he lifts his head and nods.
"I'm Danie-el."
She nods as confirmation.


Daniel rushes down the stairs as he sees Lucy waiting for him at the door.
"About time"
Lucy says as she sips her last bit of coffee.
"I need to make sure I'm ready for my first day" he takes one look in a mirror that's in the hallway and dusts his sweater off. Daniel is now 17 and Lucy has adopted him under legal supervision, Today Daniel will join Lucy on the job as an intern.
"No need. take your time princess"
she rolls her eyes and grabs her car keys.
"Come on Mom"
he laughs and closes the door.
"I can't believe it's fall.."
Daniel looks up and takes a whiff of air before joining Lucy in the car.

"Are you excited?"
Lucy starts the car and turns her head.
"Of course I'm excited, can't believe my high school even approved of this internship"
He puts on his seatbelt on and turns on the radio.
"Why wouldn't they approve? You're my son after all"
she lets out a chuckle and starts to drive.
"I hope everyone is nice."
Daniel smiles and looks out the window


"Good morning Chief"
One of the police men say as they raise their cup of coffee in the air.
"Good morning" She does a quick nod and continues walking.
Daniel waves and follows behind. They make it to Lucy's office and Daniel notices a stack of papers on her desk, he goes for a peak.
"Daniel don't touch those papers"
Lucy isn't facing him but she knows him too well, Lucy walks over to her desk and opens a drawer.
"It's a case we're going to start soon"
she takes a seat in her chair and hands Daniel a notepad along with a pen
"Remember you're here to learn, not fool around."
"Yes ma'am"
Daniel opens the notepad and begins to write, first day with my internship, maybe mom will let me look at my old files.

"Daniel go to the second in commands office and ask him some questions"
The second in command's name is Rubin, he was there when Daniel was first discovered and treats Daniel like a nephew.
He makes his way to Rubin's office and opens the door.
"Hello Rubin"
"Oh- Daniel what are you doing here"
Rubin flips the files in his hands and drops them on the desk so only the blank side shows.
"Today's the first day of my internship!"
"Is that so?"
He gestures to Daniel to sit down
"How's that going so far?"
Daniel sighs and chuckles
"Mom told me to ask you questions"
Rubin sighs and pushes himself away from the desk.
"Ask away little bud"
he hesitates.
"What's up? Everything okay?"
"Yeah, sorry.. I was wondering if you-"
"I didn't finish my questi-"
Rubin pushes his chair back to his desk
"You're going to ask me about your files."
"I have every right to know!"
Daniel springs up from his seat
"Come on Rubin! You know better than anyone that I have a right to view those files. Lucine won't tell me anything!"
Daniels voice begins to crack but he hold himself together
"Daniel I'm not showing you those files, even if I did, there's barely any information that we got out of you"
"Rubin please!"
Rubin clenches his fist and puts his other hand on his head
"Just.. get out..go ask someone else a normal question."
Daniel leaves Rubins office but not before slamming the door. Lucy hears the slam and looks outside her door.
"Everything okay out here Daniel?"
"Yeah- I just.. -I'll be outside getting a bit of air"
"Okay, don't take too long"
Daniel drops the notepad on a random chair outside Rubins office and begins walking outside.

"Fresh fall air" he thinks to himself.

Autumn always made Daniel happy, although he never new why. He enjoyed the colors of fall and the sound of it, That part he did know. Daniel always envied other kids for having a normal childhood. He spent most of his in therapy.
"Helloooo?" A girl with dark hair covering her eyes waves her hand in front of Daniel.
"Earth to four eyes"
she leans in and tilts her head revealing her foggy eyes. Daniel jumps backwards finally snapping back to reality.
"Who- who are you?" He looks around to see if other people are there.
"Oh you finally woke up, you were so out of it I got concerned."
"Who are you."
"No need for the attitude, I'm just trying to get into the police station."
Daniel springs up and apologizes, the girl laughs and enters. Daniel follows behind.
"Hey four eyes-"
"My name is Daniel."
"Okay.. Daniel.. do you know where the chief is?"
"Yeah follow me" He walks her to Lucy's office and knocks on the door.
"Come in."
"Hey m- Chief. Someone's here to see you.."
"Me? What time is it?" She pulls up her sleeve to check her watch. The gray hair girl walks up from behind Daniel and speaks
"Hello miss? I called yesterday on the phone?"
"Uhm- yes!" She awkwardly chuckles.
"Yes I remember, you're here to give your testimony."
"Yes I am"
"Okay well.. come with me"
"Yes ma'am!"
Daniel gets waken up by Lucy and she grins
"So much for your first intern day"
" did the testimony go?"
"Ehh it was okay, she was just a witness giving her statement"
"Is it about your new case?"
"The day's almost over so why don't you go to the parking lot while I fetch everything in my office."
"Okay mom"
Daniel heads to the parking lot and stands in front of the car. So much for an internship. Daniel sighs and scratches his head.
"Geez, I can't do anything right" he lets out a soft laugh.
"DANIEL." Lucy runs out the office and grabs him by his shoulders.
"Wh- is everything okay mom?"
"Before you went to sleep, did you go in my office?" Her voice is panicked and cracks a bit.
"No? Why? What happened?"
"Oh dear..."
"Mom what's wrong?"
"Some documents are missing."

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