Chap. 1 - Hey Torch

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This stories protagonist and female lead grew up and met the 2ps in the quiet yet eery crime filled suburbs the very worst generation called home, the underhanded and worst of the worst criminals took residency. The current adults reigned, no one in their shithole town or their neighborhood expected them all to turn out to be thugs with their own plans, criminals or mob bosses and the like in their world, bad things always went down in the neighborhood. There were several mafia families led by or worked for by the second players in their attempt to hide from their first players, who were at odds with one another since each other's birth. "Hey Allen! What's up, I just got back from school." A tall male with auburn red hair sat on a porch, a blonde with lavender eyes wearing a big pair of sunglasses sat on a lawn chair next to him. "Oh shit look, is that you? Mags?! Maggie get yer ass over here kid!" Jumping off the porch, the shorter female cried out a loud shriek of surprise as Allen picked her up in a tight hug, spinning her around. "That's not her, Mags got shorter hair than that." Matt barked out, of the two he was the sterner and reserved of the two twins, aloof in comparison to his older twin who goofed around despite being the far more insecure of the two. "I grew it out and dyed it you Matty, it's me! I swear it is." Allen wore his trademark grin before relinquishing his tight hold onto their best friend, she had just gotten home from college for the summer. The three sat on the porch as the group had done since they met, everyday they would meet up on the twins porch, before Maggie had went away to college but she was home now. "Did you miss us? I'm sorry Matty didn't recognize ya doll face." Al as well as Matt, who started to argue angrily with his twin at the nickname that she referred to him with. "Don't call her that shit, she's not just a girl to flirt with so casually Al." Matthew was actually his name but he went by Matt, he opened up his pack of smokes and handed one to the girl sat at his feet. Maggie sat between Matt's legs as he put a lighter to her cigarette, lighting it for her as Allen lit his own and they passed beers to one another from a cooler, just like old times. It was weird since Maggie had only found two of the boys, her friend group consisted of two sets of twins, a Luciano and Flavio, Lutz, Kuro, Zao, Oliver, Francois, Ion, Roland and Gilen. All of them hung out together before she left even if they all had fights, "Say, where did all the guys go?" The twins shared a look and she knew all too well, they had the oh fuck look they wore when things went to shit. Apparently the idiot Italian Luciano now led the Italian mafia which his grandpa had him take over Flavio, Kuro and Lutz were involved, Gilen and Roland together now lived down the street and Zao became a drug lord. Ion had his own Russian mafia and his two siblings, Oliver and Francois who were with Matt and Al lived with them and the twins said they bought off Zao now. "That's great so where's my sister, be real with me guys." That somber expression on his face, Al told her the truth about what happened soon after she left for college. "That little sister of yours, where'd she scamper off to?" The shorter male stood in front of a tall woman, long black hair ran down her back as she gave a menacing venomous glare at the boss of the family. "What's it to you? Fuck off Luciano, she left already duh. I thought you knew." Said woman was the eldest sister out of Maggie's family and had been the rough overprotective type over her two much younger siblings. "Oh is that so? Maggie never mentioned it to me big sis." An extremely sharp blade came flying at Salem, it grazed her arm as she looked down and saw a switchblade in the wall. "Are you fuckin crazy!? I'm calling the cops!" Before she could dial the numbers on her phone, it was shot and Salem ended up fighting Luciano and his men which is what led to why she went missing and becoming one of their soldiers. Al sighed out loudly, with a hand outstretched to her but Matt and Al shockingly witnessed Maggie slap his hand away. "No! You guys shoulda told me that's it. I'm going to find her." She took a break for it, attempting was the key word as Matt had easily tackled her to the lawn whilst neighbors and Oliver came out. "Stop it! You're acting like a fucking brat!" Matt's boom in his voice put everything to a standstill, no longer struggling she pushed herself up and tried to break free of Matt and his hold. "Boys boys let her go, enough! Get inside the house!" Oliver had a shrill tone, the strawberry blonde, blue eyed British freak of the neighborhood was a sore sight to see for the girl. "Shut the fuck up Oliver, just help me." It took a combined effort of Matt, Al and Oliver to get her inside the shared home of the four males at the moment Francois wasn't there. "Let me go." All three stood in the living room tensely, a very fuming and angry Maggie sat whilst she tried to get them to let her leave. "Poppet, I see um the boys told you the news. Now I have an assortment of cupcakes, stay right there." The British man chimed happily, running off to their kitchen as the twins looked at each other then down at Maggie. "Maybe we should tie her down to the chair?" Allen suggested, both hands up in question as Matt slapped the back of his head angrily. "I'm not joking this is serious, I need to find her sooner than later because I know he could kill her that easily!" Standing up from the big chair, Matt gently grabbed her by both of her shoulders whilst she stared up at him with a mild anger. "That's why you shouldn't go find her." Maggie had been forced to stay at their house for a bit so she could cool off, not that it wasn't normal for her to spend days at the big old house the boys lived in. "C'mon, I want her to sleep in my bed tonight." Due to creeping in the hall near the kitchen, she overhead Allen's voice mixed with Oliver and Matt and Francois. "No Allen, I trust Mattie more than you!" It'd always been Oliver to say what should or who should do anything, like a mother hen. Maggie took her cue to step out of the shadows of the hallway, Francois nodding at her curtly in greeting as Al flushed bright red, "Um..guys I don't care as long as I get some sleep, 'm tired." She spit out the words that refused to come out at first due to Matt's gaze. "Maggie's sleeping with me, it's bedtime." Matt easily threw her smaller frame over his shoulder, "Whoa whoa! I'm coming too dumbasses!" Allen chased them up stairs as a happy Francois and Oliver watched them with forlorn looks. "She's gonna be the death of us, y'know that?" Francois opened his paper back up, flipping through the newspaper as the loud sound of footsteps upstairs resounded. Matt's, as well as Allen's rooms were never off limits to her and it hadn't changed from the Canadian decorations to the barbed wire hockey stick, it was her favorite room. "Stay." Matt put her on his dresser, she sat confused but let him keep rummaging through his drawers while Allen put his shirt on her. "Put that on, you'll smell like a maple syrup bottle if you wear Matt's shirt." He chastised, winking at Matt in the mirror of the dresser as the Canadian flipped him off and gave her a pair of boxers. "This is big..hehe!" It went past the boxers, the t-shirt was big since Allen had big muscles not as big as Matt but it was obvious she was smaller. Maggie was one of the prettiest women in the world to them, as a kid growing up they all crushed on her but as a woman she was still short, curvy but now her hair was long and dark. Her golden eyes and dark hair paired with her freckles, pale skin as well as being well endowed she looked cute to them in an oversized dress shirt as she happily plopped on the bed. "Sorry about earlier, when I got home I was expecting her to hug me..." At Maggie's melancholic tone, a big hand rested on her head as she looked up meeting the eyes of Matt. "It's our fault for not getting her back." Allen spoke up lowly, closed the curtains and blinds before Matt carded a hand through her hair. "Don't say that, Salem can handle herself so I'm sure she's fine..really." Rarely did the girl get serious but one person she always had the most faith in was her sister, no matter why or how she came through. "Stop talking about it, go to sleep idiots." Matt threw a pillow at Allen as they all fell on the bed, her giggles erupted in the bedroom with the girl sandwiched right in between them. "Goodnight, Matt and Allen. I love you." Sitting up, Maggie placed a kiss on both of their cheeks before curling up under all of Matt's blankets with them cuddling her. "Go to sleep babe." Al murmured, his face pressed to her neck as he pulled her closer and Matt's arms mimicked his actions since the twins did have feelings for her. Snores and mumbling of Maggie's voice filled the room, they slept quite peacefully and she remembered a feeling as if warmth embedded itself in her, it was actually two huge males cuddling her. She awoke in the wee hours, smiling gently as she pushed some strands of hair out of Matt's face followed by Al who hugged her tight even asleep, "C'mere I won't let him hog you." Matt's eyes opened as her golden orbs met lilac purple, his deep and raspy morning voice greeting her ears as she'd used one arm to hug him. Her other arm fell on Allen, "G'morning to you too, Matt." Yawning in a sleepy voice she spoke, nuzzling her face on Matt's broad chest which caused him to turn a shade of red. "It's late, shit. We need to go get Salem." Her tired voice betrayed her and Matt pushed her back down on the bed, "No. You're not leaving, not until we find out where she is." Al tossed and turned before hugging Maggie, a  pouty Matt placed a kiss on her lips gently and saw her face turn red. "Wh-what was that for, I wanna go find her.." Letting out a whine, Al and Matt both held her until she calmed down but the two knew, they both knew where she was yet refused to inform her. Spending time with the boys and the face family felt refreshing but it lacked Salem, even if she spent the night, the boys both attempting to get her mind off of the absence of the sister that played around with them all felt painful.

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