Chap. 2 - Reverent

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Unbeknownst to the young girl asleep between the two twins, the location of her sister Salem had already been known to them for a long time as long as she'd been gone, Salem had been with Luciano Vargas. "Salem! You didn't tell me that our Margaret was coming home today." Luciano's form sat in a large black chair as Salem, Kuro and Lutz all stood in front of his desk with eyes looking to one another in confusion. "Maggie is home? Since when, let me see the phone." The tall dark haired woman stepped to the desk and Luciano handed her the phone, a lit cigar in his mouth as Kuro looked to Lutz. "Is this necessary, if you want her we can take her easily." Kuro spoke up ever so bluntly as Lutz elbowed the shorter man, it was an unwritten rule that all of them shared to protect Maggie who was a bit younger than them. "Mom, is Maggie at the house?" Salem decided to call her mom to find out if she had been, she immediately grew pale when she heard that Maggie had been at the face family house for the past day. "Alright thank you. Bye mom, I love you." She hung up as one of the most angriest looks crossed Luciano's face at her expression. "Where is my bambolina at?" Luciano was becoming far more demanding as he'd been waiting for years for her return and Salem had been his first target in getting what he wanted. "Maggie is with the face family, I'm not sure we can get her from them." Luciano's brow twitched, "That dirty American? He has cara mia!?" After nodding Luciano stood up, a broad grin on his lips as he puffed on the cigar and Lutz sweat dropped. Maggie got dressed quickly after Matt woke her up, Al had gotten in the shower and she made her way down the stairs, "Good morning poppet!" Oliver came out from the corner, effectively scaring her and causing Maggie to jump before he gave a tight hug to her. "Oh good heavens you scared me, morning." It was nice knowing that Oliver and Francois did stay the same, nobody else did even Matt and Al were unrecognizable to Maggie at first when she saw them for the first time. "Hey kiddo, mornin." Francois greeted, a newspaper in his hands as she peeked over it to look at Francois who still remained dead in the face. "Glad to know you never changed." A small, minuscule smile ghosted his features as she sat down and the twins and Oliver took a seat. "Morning dollface, you look cute in my clothes." Allen leaned over to give her a kiss on the head before grabbing the big jug of orange juice on the table as Matt wore a scowl. "Aw Matty, frowning causes wrinkles." A teasing Oliver had sat down across from the twins next to Francois whilst they had a normal breakfast together like a family. After cleaning up, Al and Matt decided to take her with them to run their errands, she was basically being babysat by the twins until they could figure out how to get past the Salem issue. "I can't believe this! Why can't I go find Salem?" The group was sitting on top of a park picnic bench, Allen and Matt sat across from her and told her the truth after a long outburst from Maggie. The boys tried to explain to her that ever since she left a lot had changed, Luciano ran things now, Salem was a lieutenant of his along with Kuro, Lutz, Flavio, Gilen and Roland who helped run the Italian mob. "'re joking. C'mon guys I have to go get her." Standing up, Matt and Al got up to sit her back down as she struggled against both brothers, fighting them to get free as Zao, Ion, Oliver and Francois came up. "Boys! Boys! Break it up! Right now you two!" Oliver was an extremely angry and hyperventilating mess as Maggie wrestled both boys at the same time on the ground. "Pfft, Maggie is winning da?" A pleased Ion held up a wad of cash as Zao had a mischievous look on his face, "I'll bet you 50 she wins!" Zao shouted as Oliver tried to break it up whilst Francois lit up a cigarette from his pack. Zao was cheering her on whilst he held a bottle of some kind of alcohol and Ion stared on, Al was calling uncle ending with Matt and Al torn off her by Oliver who'd had enough, she got up and flipped her hair over her shoulders. "Now I have a ton of bruises you bitch!" Allen tried to lunge at her only to have Matt pull him back hard, "Fuck you! I'm in disbelief you two dunderheads didn't tell me Salem's fucking in Luciano's mafia!" Maggie flipped the American man off as Oliver and the others all suddenly grew quiet. "I mean...we all knew." It'd been Zao who spoke up only to get a glare out of half the guys, "So you guys knew too!? This is un-fucking believable." She began walking to the sidewalk as Ion and everyone collectively sighed. They had all been friends since they'd met after she got out of high school before going to college and made it so they were a tight knit friend group almost, family and there were no secrets weren't allowed, "Where're ya going! Come back Mags!" Matty tried to call to her but received a middle finger, she stuck two up at them all and grabbed her smokes from Francois. Deciding to walk all the way over to Luciano's, she had no idea that the boys were tailing her in Allen's mint condition black caddy that he was given as a present, she bought it for him from her dad and all five of them piled in it back when she was still a young teenager. Maggie's soft humming began to get louder and louder as she strolled right up to the door, dressed in her usual attire of a pair of fishnets, black skirt and top, green coat and thick black boots pristine tapping against tile, waiting for the door to open. She rapped a few times on the door and then it opened up to reveal a tall blonde man she knew from way back in the day, "Oh! If it isn't Maggie! Oh come in, I would love for you to come in bella! Don't you look gorgeous!" It was Flavio Vargas the twin of Luciano who had a very eccentric taste in fashion and loved her and her sister. "Flavio? I guess you still dress and look the same. How are you?" Maggie seemed to Flavio to be in high spirits, it was then he invited her into the large home of the Vargas family which was a mansion at best by most standards. "Come come! Look at what we've done to the dining room and foyer! I am oh so glad you came to see me Maggie! This is fantabulous!" Flavio happily lead her into the recently renovated parts of the mansion, showing her around which caused Maggie to get a little bit side tracked. Especially once Flavio brought out the drinks, "Um you drink? I didn't know that." She sat next to him inside a vast dining room which was normal for Flavio. Different alcohols with glasses and red wine bottles lined on a grand mahogany dining table that filled the spacious room, Flavio talked her ear off the entire time as she kept looking around, just a slow waiting game to see either Luciano or her sister. She'd gotten a bit drunk and things got comfortable, Flavio used to be her and Salem's bestie when they were teens but he had a sinister edge to him, the door swung open and the couple sets of footsteps and voices caught the two off guard. "Stay right here, got it!" Flavio's giggles and clacking of his shoes echoed on the floors, merely sipped on the glass and sat in her chair with legs crossed over one another in the dim lighting. "Look who's here Luci!" The two twins entered the dining room and Maggie didn't even move, a gun in one hand and glass full of wine in the other. "If it isn't mi tesoro, welcome back home. I figured that we would be meeting but not this soon especially with a gun inside of my own abode." Luciano's suave tone was a lost cause on her, "Where is she?" A small grin on her red lips as Flavio gave Kuro and Lutz an odd look, they stepped towards Maggie. "Oh? I have something you want yes bambolina?" He crossed the threshold and she pointed the gun right at Luciano, Kuro's hand drifting down to his katana's hilt. "Hands off the sword Kuro, if I only had Luciano to worry about this wouldn't be so hard. Cut the shit Luci tell me where I can find Salem or I shoot you until you do." She didn't move an inch as Luciano put up both of his gloved hands, dressed immaculately in one of those expensive Italian suits. "You're not too bright strolling in here with just a pea shooter little girl." Kuro tsked, albeit amused since he took a liking to said girl ever since she wormed her way into the 2p Axis's lives and the Allies.  "I think Maggie is serious this time Luciano..." Flavio spoke and a knife was waved in his face by Luciano, "Shut up fratello! If this is about Salem you should've said so cara mia, here you go." Luciano's smirks never meant that anything good would happen anytime soon as he grabbed his gun, she ran at Luciano as they both collided, her weight taking him down to the gound. "Motherfucker! If you don't tell me where she is ill-ah!" Luciano managed to get the upper hand but she threw his gun aside, "Do we let them fight or?" Lutz's face was no longer stoic while Kuro asked him, the taller blonde merely picked Maggie's body up with a practiced ease. "Enough schatz you seriously think you can win?" Flailing at the comment he winced when her fist collided with Luciano as the man fell back a bit, "Fuck off! You too Lutz. I thought you were one of us why the fuck are you helping him and where is she!?" Salem had stepped through the doorway, Flavio held up a glass. "See family's all here, now will you stop it with the struggling cara mia bella. Salem be a dear." Luciano's tone was dripping with cruel venomous intent, the black haired woman put her hand on Maggie's shoulder before she had plunged a syringe into her neck. "Sorry, Mags." She smiled and the taller girl used her strength just to free herself from Lutz to shoot Luciano and missed hitting Salem and falling into the darkness of unconsciousness. "Fuck sake! She fucking- I could've died!" Salem screamed, Maggie fell on top of her with her gun falling while Luciano picked up the gun and Maggie. "Take her over to the doctor now!" Lutz and Kuro sighed, carrying a bleeding out Salem as Flavio sipped at his wine glass. "Nice big mess fratello, was it worth it?" His remark fell on the deaf ears of Luciano cradling a small blood soaked and sleeping female up into their new room. When she awoke it was not a good or easy position to be in, shackles on her arms and ankles while she laid in a bed covered in a vast array of silk sheets and silk lined over all sides of the bed, a halo to keep her in as she'd tried to move. "Up so soon? The tranquilizer is still in effect for movement but you'll be able to move soon my darling." Twitching the sound of Luciano's voice she squirmed around angrily, a red hue on her face as he opened the curtains that hid him from sight. "Where is that good for nothing sister of mine!? And get these off me, I know Al and Matt will be coming." She spat out once the man came into view who she decided looked even more handsome once she wasn't drunken. "Your pet gringos? Stop that silliness. Allen knows you belong to me now and Salem is downstairs with my men." Luciano sat beside her head, brushing through her hair with a tan hand after taking off his black gloves using his teeth. "Calm. Down. Bella this is for the best so I can protect you, I love you and this is showing my love." Deep magenta orbs bore into golden confused ones, "You- what? Luciano this isn't a very funny thing to do! Hey!" Maggie's eyes widened as he leaned in to kiss her making her accidentally leave her mouth open in shock. It wasn't her first kiss thankfully but he couldn't stop kissing her, "I'm not joking in the slightest, ti amo cara mia bella. Please stop resisting it." He softly pleaded after pulling away, classical Luciano move since high school he'd always in his deluded way, attempt to manipulate her for his grudges. Allen and Luciano had a grudge or long-standing beef against each other plus business wise, they never could get along and often got into turf wars, stupid shit but this got to the next level with Luciano kidnapping one of Allen's best friends. "No you don't! This is all because of Grandpa Romulus isn't it?" With most of her strength she attempted to sit up as Luciano's big hands pushed her down, "I am in love with you and we're going to be together or nobody can have you Margaret." His tone was sharp as he held up his switchblade up close to her face, a silent warning but she only used her neck to crane it closer to the blade nicking her cheek. "Screw you Luciano and you know nobody owns me! Now let me go!" Bucking her head at him he chuckled and brought his hand from her hair to tightly grab her pale neck, his whole hand fitting around it and squeezing so hard. "Guh-aha..choking? Me? Haha!" She giggled from the lack of air as he pressed his lips against hers again, passion in every single kiss despite Maggie's rejection of which he became unwavering in. "You are mine but I have to make you realize it, I didn't want to do this so soon cara mia." Shaking her head at him he growled lowly, "I'm not gonna let you win Luciano. Ever." Maggie didn't think and did the dumbest thing, she head butted Luciano in the face as hard as she could muster and he'd leaned back. "Fuck! Fuck! Why you little-!" His big hands gripping tightly to her cheek with an indescribable expression on his face, hating to admit he wasn't too bad looking. "They will be coming to find me, Allen too." At the mention of the man Luciano furrowed his brow, pressing his lips against hers rough and she'd whined crying out into the kiss as Luciano kept on kissing her. Kicking and screaming, wailing as she pleaded but the man above her would not let up, bordering on obsession with how he put his hands all over her body in every place he could reach. "Pl-please, let me see Salem and I'll do anything you want..." Maggie plead with closed eyes, barely open as her bare top half became covered in marks especially on her neck which was painfully red. He basically was torturing her in a way that felt so inhumane, "Anything hm? Aw do you mean it?" Nodding up and down as Luci's teeth continued to mark her upper body while fresh tears ran down her cheeks. "Yes! Just let me..I want to see her and I'll do anything!" Luciano's teeth stopped as he sat up and pulled her onto his lap, holding her tightly to himself, his bulge pressing into her. "Be a good girl okay bella?" Her body began to shake like a leaf as a cold knife was pressed against her stomach, "Wha-what are you-!" With ease his blade cut off the rest of her clothing leaving her body bare for him to finally see, curved and thicker than he had last seen her. Maggie had grown a lot, in fact now he found her to be incredibly beautiful now her body was developed, soft skin and supple cute thighs, he grabbed her by the waist and undid his pants while holding her hips down but she was unable to stop him. Crying out her hands were restricted by the short chains as Luciano entered her gummy walls, blood immediately flowed out as Maggie's cries flooded his sense of reality, his pace unrelenting as her tightness enveloped him. "F-fuck! So fucking tight for me ngh-! What a good girl..fuck." Luciano huffed, a smirk on his face whilst leanin in and kissing her swollen lips again. " hurts! Too big! I'm gonna break!" She began to whimper as he thrusted up faster, making her large breasts go in his face while he continued to fuck her hard to make her cry. "A virgin? You're so cute il mio amore!" He bit down on her neck, hugging her as she cried out but didn't stop and watched his cock enter her small hole. It took much a lot longer for him to cum, "Ah, m'gonna cum inside you...get you pregnant..mhm!" She struggled, clawing at his arms as Luciano came inside of her as Maggie cried no loudly but felt her body come undone. He came in her and a lot too, it began to flow down her legs as Luciano fell on top of her with a satisfied sound, his mouth felt so warm on her nipple as he sucked on them in a way of comforting her through her high. She wasn't happy but this was his form of trying to punish her, it ranged from psychological and a lot of sexual punishment when she rejected him but in order to see Salem he wanted far much more in return.

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