Chap. 3.5 - Solace

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"You shouldn't be wandering around aimlessly in this mansion kid." Kuro's voice droned out despite Maggie continuing on and with a sigh, the slightly shorter man put his hand atop of the exposed pale shoulder. Maggie spun and turned abruptly, in only the white night gown Luciano forced her to wear but tonight the man was out with only Kuro and Lutz and Flavio to avoid the woman escaping. "Leave me alone you fuck. Haven't you done enough to me already?" Cruel words were not uncommon from Kuro, especially since the first night Lutz and Kuro dragged her to Luciano's bedroom chambers after she shot Salem. Salem easily survived and got patched up by Santiago, the 2p for Spain that resided in Luciano's mansion, as the on site doctor and Gilen and Roland visited often but they were all co conspirators of the captor Luciano. "Orders are orders, don't take it out on us little girl. You brought this upon yourself. As if we want to be your babysitters, if you just played along we'd all be fine." Kuro chastised angrily, in fact he disliked that because of Luciano who despite being his best friend got to Maggie first yet, he and Lutz were promised access to the girl as much as they wanted after he got his way. This was something the others would not know until after, the lengths of what the 2p axis did to Maggie felt inconceivable yet for now she had to take the brunt of Kuro and Luciano's anger, only Lutz treated her kindly. "Get the fuck off of me you monster. I hate you and Luciano, if you weren't such a pussy like Lutz we would not be in this situation so fuck you!" Without a second thought she had spun around and hit Kuro, slapping him harshly and regretting it instantly as the 2p sneered and grabbed her by the hair. "Swearing and hitting me won't do you any good behaving like a spoilt brat, what a waste. Learn your place child." Kuro's vice grip as he dragged Maggie by the hair felt like fire, he had thrown her against the wall with the brute strength countries and their 2ps had. Kuro and Lutz and Luciano were her friends but now reduced to a prisoner in their manor, a lamb for the wolves to tear apart and consume as much as they pleased with little solace but comfort from Lutz and Santiago everytime she got injured. "What are you doing to her Kuro!? She's bleeding and bruised up, fuck sake. He's gonna flip!" Lutz shouted as he ran over to the form of Maggie who received not the last of many beatings received from the rage Kuro and Luciano bore, mainly due to their feelings they held. "That ungrateful wretch slapped me Lutz. She's lucky I don't lie and tell Luciano she tried to escape, I simply taught her a lesson." Kuro smirked down at the form of Maggie that flared up at him from within the strong arms of the blonde, purple eyed German man that had shielded her. "Get Santiago now! Before he gets back we need to fix her up, go on!" Lutz yelled and watched as Kuro rolled his eyes at the man, stalking off to find the Spaniard and wallow in his anger and emotions geared onto the young woman. It infuriated Kuro to no end that he and the other 2ps all shared feelings for the same person, sure she was everything he wanted in a woman but why did everyone else have the same desire? Emotions weren't easy for 2ps in general yet to fall for the same person, a stroke of unluckiness he had not felt since the war the axis lost against the allies and their forces. "I'm so sorry schatz...we'll get you fixed up. I didn't know he was going to find you and do this." Lutz tearfully apologized and held the crumpled up girl who simply let out a small laugh, reaching for the German weakly with a bruised arm. "Not like you to cry like this Lutz, I'm fine. It was worth it pissing off that bastard and when I escape I'll get back at him and Luciano." Maggie promised the man even if she felt some negative emotions towards Lutz for his role, the entire couple months in her captivity he did his best to console her. At first Lutz felt burdened by the guilt of helping aid the kidnapping of the axis's longtime good friend, Kuro didn't feel remorse yet anger that he didn't do what Luciano did so he could have her all to himself. This stressed and gave more guilt to Lutz despite aiding their leader however all he could do was help in any way he could, even if he couldn't make up for what he did at least he could attempt it. Lutz sat in a chair inside of the bedroom guarding the door from Kuro, away from the grand bed she laid in and he just watched the ordeal, Santiago was treating her whilst sighing to himself. The man was one of the elder countries and found the predicament of such a woman to be a shame and blamed the way he raised the twins with Roland. "Something is wrong with that man, doing this to someone in such a state already. You guys got fucking issues including Luciano." Santiago scowled to himself while he applied a salve and bandages, hoping that would make the bruises go away along with each of the wounds Kuro inflicted himself out of pure rage. "You should just let me die old man." Maggie spoke up as she attempted to move but could only feebly raise a hand, which Santiago held in his own meekly. "I'm sorry kid, we have to keep you alive. Eventually you'll escape but I don't know when. If Roland and I raised that conyo better things would be much different estimado." Santiago finished his work and he exited the room, making eye contact with Kuro who stood outside of it and he scoffed at the Japanese man merely shaking his head and walking down the hall. "Where is she?" The sound of Luciano's voice barked out and the woman shuddered, unable to move inside the room as Lutz woke up from his slumber. It had been hours since Santiago left and Luciano seemed to have arrived home, clearly angry for one reason or another as she heard Kuro and Santiago's voices as well as Romano who was crying out. "She's injured badly, Papa told me what Kuro did. Punish him!" The sound of Romano shouting sent her into a frenzy as Lutz stood up and opened the door, "What is the problem? Maggie is resting, I got him to treat her wounds." Lutz reported like a soldier in true fashion as Luciano sent a leering glare to Kuro, the man raising his arms in mock playful defense at the unadulterated anger in Luciano's eyes. "I will deal with you later. Go take Santiago downstairs fratello. Lutz guard the door and you, wait for me to decide what your punishment will be." Luciano ordered the four similar to how he used to in times of war, unable to sit up or move Maggie simply laid still and the Italian man entered the room as he closes the door behind him. Crossing the room, Luciano opened the lacey sheer curtains to reveal Maggie's body, the nightgown had got blood on it and he noticed bandages, cuts, bruises and scratches all along the expanse of her skin, Kuro did a number on her which he would punish him for severely. "You poor thing mi carino....I should kill him for this. Don't fret bambolina I'll give him the worst punishment I can." Luciano's sweet words sounds so far away as Maggie's eyes fluttered shut, hoping the captor would go away and leave her alone despite stayed to sing to her until she fell into a dreamless sleep. Struggling to deal with the pain and torment Kuro would continue to inflict, felt like a chore to suffer such brutality from men with strength inconceivable to most humans including herself. It started out small, even after the rough punishment Luciano gave the man which wasn't nearly enough, it did not deter Kuro from his violent tendencies and the amount of psychological torment he caused upon Maggie for the months she remained in Luciano's mansion. Even reminding her of the fact that she was something to be passed like a toy, Lutz refused to join in on the pure sexual abuse they engaged in, wishing to God that he would be able to never hear the screams or crying of the woman. Often she remained in that gilded bird cage of a bedroom, stuck with thoughts of suicide or getting Luciano or Kuro to murder her, so the nightmare would finally be over once and for all but it never happened. Only finding allies in the four people that she got to see, "There you go. Look Gilen she can walk a couple steps thanks to the my occult greatness!" Maggie wore a tiny smile as the hand of Roland aided in her walking, it took a lot to even move around due to being abused physically so often. "G-Good job, Mi-miss Maggie. You-you're improving." Gilen wore his own pained expression, the gravity of the very dire situation hurt the two but Roland could only blame himself for what he did to Luciano in his childhood. The older brother of Lutz had a way of reminding her of herself, a meek but kind man with mental illness and low sense of self esteem, she saw herself in the older male and found solace being able to see Gilen and Roland. "Bruder! I didn't know you two were here! Welcome back, is the walking going well? Thanks for helping out." Lutz grinned as he put a hand atop of Maggie's head, her hair now went way past her back and had grown out in those months. "Ah yes, our skylark does well thanks to our help right Gilen? She looks quite pale though." Nodding in response Gilen put one of the crosses that he and Lutz wore in the palm of Maggie's hand, trembling with a bright blush on his face from touching her hand. "We uh-um wanted to give you s-something. It'll be he-helpful, I hope." Biting back tears without a thought she thanked the man, happily holding the cross and pondering how to repay Gilen and Roland later on. Kuro obviously was very unhappy, how dare she find any form of solace when she was supposed to be their prisoner? Luciano seemed to not mind giving her very e few interactions with his subordinates as long as they didn't get any ideas, Kuro he allowed to have his way with his darling here and there but Lutz called them demons for it. "How long are we gonna keep this up? Salem won't just accept it, the allies will come then what huh." Lutz couldn't stand it and Luciano wore that trademark look he had whenever something displeased him greatly just as he did to his own precious captive. "Your impudence is not new, should I give you another scar to put you in your place. That useless older sister and the allies can't do fuck all to us and if they try we'll win." Luciano's reminder felt painful as the man rubbed the scar on his cheek, a memory he wished to never recall however he knew if he did anything against his boss it would not end well for anyone. "Santiago. When the time is right, give her this and help her run away from this place. I'll help you." Lutz held out one of his old and very used army knives, it had a weight to it as he placed it into the tanned and worn hands of the doctor. "Are you sure? If we get caught you know what will happen." Their conversation was cut off by what Lutz could only image was Maggie crying out, Kuro had decided to engage in his sadistic fun he could only gain from the prisoner. Cringing at the sounds of Kuro raping Maggie and covering his ears, Santiago lit up a cigarette before he put his hand in his hands, Lutz tried to cover his ears but that in itself felt like a crime.

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