Chap. 5 - Hard Lesson

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The series of events became a sharp blur as Maggie could only remember the party that the guys in the allies and Salem had for her, it was just like the parties they held when she was just fresh out of high school hanging out. Drinks were flowing, loud music blasted from the speakers in the house, almost everyone was drunk out of their minds, opium smoke and weed smoke hung in the air and the scent of different cigarettes, Allen and Matt and Zao along with Maggie smoked weed together in the living room all nursing drinks. Francois had been drunk from the start to the end of the party with wine and cigarettes across the table he sat at, Ion simply drank vodka and listened to the merriment or watched, only being put in conversations by Zao and Maggie. Oliver had tried to remain sober the whole time to watch over everyone, however easily swayed by his twins and Salem, Maggie included into him getting drunk with the others, becoming a cute bubbly and happy drunk. Allen as per usual the leader still of the group and an extremely flirtatious drunk, Zao also became extremely touchy and unable to stop flirting with Maggie at any chance he got. Matt was a funny drunk and it made him much more talkative yet he could not even look Maggie in the eye without a red blush covering his entirety of his face, Oliver had an inability to shut up drunk and laughed at almost everything. Francois when drunk got a bit more out there like Matt and talked more but not as much as Oliver did drunk, he found everyone a bit less annoying and Ion when drunk got a pleasant aura, not talkative but he didn't go ice queen. Ion simply sat beside the young girl and allowed her to include him in a way he didn't despise, with simple conversations in the group and even drinking vodka with him back to back, Zao however became very much handshake and struggled to not touch Maggie almost every five seconds. Salem for some reason did her damndest to make sure everyone got drunk to the point of passing out, sure she drank but it was apparent that Salem was the least drunk out of the group which Zao noted even in his crossed state. "Everyone do a shot, come on put your shot glasses up." Maggie giggled out loudly, holding up a shooter as the seven did the same and she saw Salem's was not nearly as full. "To the allies!" Allen whooped as he did his shot and gulped it down, "Oh shut the hell up Al." Matt growled out and Zao started to laugh in tandem with Oliver who snorted at the twins. "That's my boys, right poppet?" Oliver giggled and she grinned in amusement at the Brit, "Na zdorovie comrades." Ion took his own shot and Francois did the same as he gave look to Oliver then Matt and Allen. "This is the first party we've had in a while...I missed you guys." Maggie spoke up as Zao gave her a big hug and practically began to cuddle into the girl, "Aw you're so cute! We missed you too!" Zao talked happily into her neck and Allen gave a glower to the shorter male as he too hugged her. "Oh come on don't get all mushy now." Matt chastised and Allen pulled him into the hug before Oliver forced Francois and then Ion joined begrudgingly as Salem snapped a picture. "Send me that picture dearie!" Oliver began to chuckle while Salem showed him the image and then showed the rest of the 2ps it. The black haired woman continued to pour liquor and get each and every 2p in the house so drunk they passed out, which took quite a bit of alcohol to do so, in short the plan was to get Maggie out of the house so she could take her to the 1p allies. The red eyes of Zao both watched blearily the form of Salem, long black straight hair moving whilst carrying the body of Maggie princess style out of the front door, unable to move but squirmed a bit rousing Ion to which his eyes locked with Zao. "You'll be a lot safer, I promise." Salem murmured against the forehead of the sleeping younger female in her arms, putting her into the back seat and hopping inside the car, driving off into the wee hours of the morning. The shared quarters of the allies when they gathered remained a ways away from the face house, each country had their own manors and homes, ranging in size but the shared home the 1p allies lived in for gatherings remained massive in comparison. God knows how long Salem drove but soon the front gates appeared, opening by themselves the car drove into the courtyard and drive of the mc mansion, she never liked the art deco core of the Victorian like manor finding it to be unsettlingly creepy. Exiting the vehicle and to the backseat, picking up the alcohol addled sleeping girl and carrying her inside of the maze like mansion, it looked the same as the last time she visited even though it was slowly becoming morning. "What's this, oh welcome!Young lady, you've brought a visitor with you." China had a small smile on his lips as he looked up at the slightly taller woman, always kind and wise unlike the other countries. "Yes. Where are the others?" Salem questioned softly as to not wake the sleeping girl and heard the rustling of newspapers, China simply gestures to follow him. "China who was at the door? Oh Miss Salem, I presume that's your sister." Nodding at the Englishman who sat drinking his tea and reading the paper from his country, enjoying whatever English food he had made which Salem thought looked like dog food. The dining room lavish and even had a couch in it which she rested Maggie atop of, covering her with a blanket she brought that came from the face house and took a seat across from England, China joining as he put dishes from his home country atop of the huge table. "Eat, eat! You young people never eat enough, chi. That little girl needs to eat too when she wakes so pale!" China was not at all wrong, judging by when he first saw her in the dark haired woman's arms bandaged with a ton of bruises and scars and wounds all over. "Old chaps right, you don't look well either. Did it take a lot to convince her?" Salem looked to Maggie then back to England, "I didn't, she's gonna have a rude awakening. The second players I got them all drunk and passed out, Maggie included them I took her and brought her." China rubbed his eyes and forehead in a fit of exasperation before sitting down to eat with the two, the meal seemed calm if not for England's eyes directing to Maggie most of the meal. China happily cleaned up with Salem's help and then England decided to assist Salem in putting the sleeping girl in the other room, a much comfier couch which she didn't stir in the slightest, to their relief. "Oh dudes what's up!? Salem you're here early." America came into the drawing room to see what the talking and commotion was, excitedly bouncing over to look at the sleeping face of the body that he had never seen before. "America be quiet you'll wake the poor dear up." England scolded as he turned to Salem, "We'll take it from here rest assured. If there's anything we need for help from you be sure to get a call from us." With a look of worry cast onto Salem's face, brushing a hand through the long curly dark hair of her sister she nodded to the three men. "Thanks, I will be back when things calm down. The 2p allies and the axis members will all be trying to track her down." Salem in fact was correct as soon as they woke up they'd be looking for Salem and Maggie, the axis already hunting for the two women since they escaped from Luciano's mansion. Leaving the allies mansion with a heavy heart despite knowing it was the best thing to do, the woman got into the black car and sped off, in hopes of securing a new life for her little sister even if the 2p allies and axis might kill her she no longer cared. "Who came over? Oh my who's this belle!" France was giddy with delight once he came over to England, America and China that were all watching Maggie sleep peacefully as if she were a cat. "Shush! The child's sleeping don't you see? Ai ya so cute!" China blushed as he grinned from ear to ear, even America and England were pleased with how stunningly breathtaking she appeared even asleep. "I'm telling ya, Salem's pretty but her sister is such a hot babe." America crooned and received a jab in the side from England, "Have some form of respect America, you too frog face. She is quite adorable though China." The four were a bit concerned with how Russia would react and forgot Canada had been in the room the entire time, even Salem hadn't noticed him. "Eh what do you think Canada?" France had asked which shocked the other three men in the room, the country himself rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "Um is it alright we let Miss Salem leave like that? The poor girl has all of those injuries from our second players." The man was right and all of them noted the large scar covered by a choker on Maggie's neck, it looked painful to say the least. "Canada dude is right! Let's figure out what to do to make her feel comfortable here, call the axis too!" The leader of the allies seemed more than happy to include the other three countries, who had not been informed of the situation until they arrived at the mansion. All nine countries sat in the parlor and had a semi world conference of just themselves, however unluckily enough the woman would slowly but surely begin to wake up.

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