⚡ and ❄️ 4

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'This is embarrassing'

Ais thought to himself, remembering what just happen for the past few minutes. If Blaze caught news of this, he will be a laughing stock for the trio troublemaker.

"We're out of sugar"

the sudden voice of Halilintar make Ais looked up, seeing as the other just casually put a mug of warm milk infront of him.

Ais took the initiative to hold the mug with both hands, feeling the warm from it. It feel nice although the lightning still flashing through out the window.

It might be the first time Ais felt this calmed in this kind of weather. He doesn't literally hate the sound of thunder.

But somehow it does get on his nerve if too loud. The lightning flash through follow up by the sound of thunder next. A normal occurrence, a natural phenomena.

Ais eyed his older brother, a hand occupied with a book. Just when did he took that book, Ais never noticed.

Might be for Ais gaze on him, Halilintar swiftly change his focus on the other, clearing his throat before speaking.

"feel better?"

"yeah... thanks and sorry for earlier"

Halilintar's averted his attention from Ais to the book back. Feeling the sudden rushed of red creeping onto his skin. 

Although he was trying to hide his expression behind the book, Ais could see the the other mouth crooked upwards slightly.

"No prob" 

Ais tap the mug holder, contemplating on should ask or not. For a good sec, he will go with the first choice.

"Hali, can I ask something?"

The said brother give a knowing look, guessing what the other question is. He flips the page until the end, taking out a bookmark, tuck it between the pages and closed it.

He tapped the table a few times with his index finger before speaking up.

"How can I say this? Might as well ask Solar or Gempa to explain this. I'm bad at explaining you see" 

he hummed, thinking for a while before proceed.

"but if you insist, well...I can try"

Ais give a nodded, making a thumbs up expression.

"It just, I drain my energy quite a lot when forcing down the lightning"

Halilintar moved the book, make it stand before crossing his arms over its top. Making like a pillar supporting his arms.

" I'm fine with just lashing out my power, though I might feel sleepy afterwards--"

"But using my own element to control--what we call it? natural phenomena? is quite hard"

"I need to fuse it with my own power, circulating inside my body to force it down, or else it will go berserk and I will end up getting electrocuted"

Ais's eyes widen hearing the other explanation. So meaning, when he tried to touch Halilintar and feeling the sudden pain was the flow of element going berserk.

He became more worried but Halilintar quickly explained it back.

"Don't worry. It's not like I'll be always feeling that, and beside although not immune to my own element, I still have resistance."

Ais looked at him disbelief. The more he hear from him, the more he could literally see Solar in him. Both are sacrifying maniacs.


Hearing the other tone of calling his name, Halilintar sighed. Never he thought Ais could resemble the earth elemental user in the way of making him surrender.


With that, Ais beams having the win. Halilintar can help but form a smile seeing as the other reaction of winning the talk. Well.. can't be help then. 

"let's sleep. It's quite late"

He said briefly while picking up the empty mug to wash it. Ais nodded and mumbled a thank you, getting a humn instead from the older.

After finished, they both start to head towards each other room. Just as Ais was going to bid goodnight,he was cut off with Halilintar sudden question.

Ais transform into his first tier, water. With a nodded from Halilintar, the other summon a water ball, levitate both of them . A little bit bigger from   usual.

Air casually plopped down, making his self comfortable while Halilintar carefully inspecting the other summon. 

He placed his palm, feeling the coldness before retract it back. His first thought that he might get wet but nope. His clothes are still dry not a hint of dampness.

Halilintar's reaction make Air laugh, seeing his brother wearing that kind of emotion is brand new to him. The first time he met the other was when fighting against boboibot. 

(*if u remember, the robot adudu build in bby s3 ep 17--correct me if I'm wrong)

Although it just for a brief second, he can help but amazed by the other appearance. In between the orginal trio, Halilintar give  somewhat a menacing aura.

He didn't talk much and just give a short answer if someone ask him regardless of who's the person, even Ciciko or Laksamana Tarung.

But it was not any different from him. Ais do prefer speaking less because talking drained his energy a lot and also his twin have taken the job for that part.

"Now I know why you like to sleep on this"

Halilintar pat the water ball a few time before getting into sleeping position. His glasses and book were placed on top of the cabinet beside his bed.

"it's comfy right...."

Ais rolled to his left side, facing Halilintar who is currently looking at the ceiling. 

"you know Hali.... you're much more approachable than I thought"

With that, the older let out a small chuckle. Slowly blink when the feel of sleepiness began to consume his consciousness.

"well....good to know."


"At last, we're home!!"

Exclaimed the trio troublemaker result in getting  a nagged from Gempa who's currently try to unlock the door.

"be quiet guys. It still early and you don't want to wake up Hali right?

With the mention of the second oldest, the three quiet down not wanting to be at the end of Halilintar's blade.

Solar huff in amusement seeing how the trio get tense up by the mention of the lightning user.

Putting their shoes in neat order, everyone walk towards the living room. The three plopped down onto the sofa while Solar head to the kitchen with Gempa.

"I almost forgot to check on Hali"

Gempa said and Solar know what he mean by that. Without further ado, they both went upstairs passing the trio who were fast asleep.

Gempa knock once before opening the door as carefully as he can to avoid waking up the other but just to be amused by the sudden present of his younger brother Ais or in his now form Air.

Both sleeping on a water ball, with Air currently hugging Halilintar's right arm. 

"I think we should just check him up later"

The light elemental user whisper, getting a knowledgeable humn from the first older.

"Yeah... let's do that"

id really know how to end this chapter🙇 sorry if it kinda not make any sense.  

and sorry for the grammar. Past and present tense..i just mix it up.

next will be Blaze🔥

Halilintar/Thunderstorm AU⚡Where stories live. Discover now