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"So is not a ghost, just a creature from here?"

Halilintar give him a few nodded, hand brushing the dirt from his clothes.

"Didn't I warn u not to make loud noice?"

The older stared at Blaze just for him to let out a nervous chuckle. Halilintar sigh, but apparently don't ask anything further.

"what are u even doing here when I told u to stay?"


There's a long silence before the older start to have the urge to make Blaze speak.

"well, what?"

Because of the other slow in response, Halilintar decided to brush off and get ready to walk back instead. Even feeling a little bit annoyed, the red eyes can't help but notice the bruise on the other knee.

He kneel down beside Blaze, inspecting the other condition.

"Did u twist ur ankle too?"

Blaze tilt his head, hand moving to the said part just to retract his hand quickly from the sudden rush of pain.
Halilintar sigh again for a hundred times.

What can he do with his younger brother. Clumsy as he is, Blaze still his own brother by blood and in fact, he can't get mad at him for a long time.

Halilintar turned his back toward the other, just for Blaze to make a confuse sound.

"I will carry u so hurry up"

"but I can--"


Blaze hopped using his good leg, reaching for his brother. Halilintar crouch down a little bit, hands moving to secure the other leg around his waist.

"Tell me if the pain is too much"


Blaze have his hands place on top of the other shoulder, grabbing it a little tight for comfort. He was ready for Halilintar to use his lightning speed but unfortunately he didn't.

After a few steps, he asked Halilintar in which surprisingly, his brother start to laugh. A small and quiet one just like Gempa's.

Having his front leaning onto the other back, he could feel the slight vibration from his brother unexpected chuckle.

"I'm not that cruel u know. Using my skill might worsen ur injury"

Halilintar said, eyes focused on the road ahead. He walked swiftly taking each path without hesitant.

"Did u have a mission here before?"

The other hummed in response, mind processing about the previous mission he had.

"I was, with Taufan, Duri and Gempa"

"and also...Gopal and Mr. popularity maniac"

Blaze snicker from the nickname his brother give for Fang. There was a brief silence before the older speak again.

"Duri and Taufan really get on my nerve that time but luckily for them, Gempa was there"

Blaze laughed make the lightning elemental user smile. The twins really does resemble each other sometimes although they might deny it if Halilintar say it out loud.

Apparently Ais and Blaze share the same smile like how the others said he with Gempa. But for Halilintar, he doesn't mind if someone said that to his face.

He always looked up to the firstborn. As a leader and brother.

"I'm sorry"

The sudden apologize caught Halilintar off guard.

Halilintar/Thunderstorm AU⚡Where stories live. Discover now