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"Why I have to go among all the people?"

Solar sighed, thinking back about his fate. Halilintar on the other hand was clearly not happy with this little trip. At least he and Solar share the same thought.

"can you stop complaining bookworm? It's not gonna make things better"

The older said, hand adjusting the cap for better protection from the sun. It was so hot right now and it's not even noon yet. Above that, switching body with Solar means he have higher body temperature than usual.

The youngest ignored his brother annoyed comment and decided to quicken his pace when suddenly he felt a force pulling him behind.

"That way Solar"

Halilintar point at the opposite road, face still having the same emotion as early.

"I--I know. What do you think I--"


He didn't have the energy to argue right now so he just walked away,  leaving the other behind. Solar blinked a few times before realized the distance between them began to increase.

Halilintar not even care if Solar followed him or not and just make his own way. He heard the youngest screaming at the back.

"Hey Hali!!" 

"walk faster will you"


"They're out of stock. Need me to search for it, Gem?"

Out of five items they need to buy, just one was out of stock. Cooking oil. Halilintar was calling Gempa to comfirm back while Solar likely sitting at a near chair he found. Lucky him.

"You sure"

"Oh...if you say so." 

He hang up first. Noticing the other have finished talking, Solar walked up to him in between fanning his face with a pamphlet.

If in Halilintar's body is this hot, how much would be in his own body. Somehow he felt a little bit emphatic towards the older though he didn't want to admit it.

"What did Gempa say?"

"No need, so we're done here" 

Halilintar said while giving the less heavy plastic beg to Solar in which the other accepted it. He used his free hand to fan his self.

"Im gonna die first with this heat"

Solar agree with his brother statement. This month temperature have elevated quite a number and also rarely rain nowadays.

It would be like a second before rain and suddenly the weather became hot again.

The quiet walked ended with Halilintar frustrated groaned. 

"I can't do this anymore...."

He then proceed to sit at a bench with Solar followed after him. He take off his cap and gloves, putting it on top of his tight. The action of closing his eyes shut make the light user felt a hint of worry.

Halilintar was not feeling good, by mean the heat would really kill him. It nice that Solar clothes is in light tone but it still not helping him feeling any better.

It was a relief that his brother didn't ask or try to start an argument in between their walked back. He was on the brink of calling Taufan to come pick them up when he felt the sudden breeze.

Solar was currently fanning him, another hand scrolling his phone. Halilintar didn't say anything and just close his eyes back. A smile start to formed.

Halilintar/Thunderstorm AU⚡Where stories live. Discover now