Chapter 9- Thoughts

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Hux's pov:

I had no idea what to think of those drawings. I sat in my history class pondering it. Why on earth would he choose to draw me? I'm not that special, i'm not that handsome and i'm defiantly not that interesting. So why me?

I was soon snapped out of these thoughts though, "Mr Hux!" My head snapped up. It was Mr Grambs. "Pay attention! This is on your exam you know." I nodded and looked back down at my 'notes' (the sentence I had written).

I whispered to Andrew, "Sorry I wasn't paying attention, could I copy your notes?" He nodded. Thank the lord or I would of been screwed. What's even got me so distracted anyway? It's only a couple (defiantly more) of drawings. No big deal.

No big deal. No big de-


Why? Why? I don't understand. Surely he could of just found a model, or a reference photo on Pinterest or some thing. Although I must say, he really does flatter me. I love the nando's picture. Me, smiling. And he had not drawn the bandages which covered my face.

He's honestly very talented. It looks so real yet animated. I wish he would show me how he does it. I don't really like art but I guess that's because I'm extremely jealous of people who are good at it. Maybe i'll ask him one day, maybe after bringing up his sketchbook.

Eventually class ended and everyone began leaving. "Mr Hux could I talk to you?" I swear to all things bright and beautiful. I nodded and walked over. When the final student had left he began talking, "Are you ok? Genuinely. You seem, how do I put this... distracted. And that's not like you at all Hux."

"I apologise. I suppose I have been a little distracted." I hummed looking off to the side.

"Would you be willing to tell me what about?" He pried. I didn't really want to tell him but maybe he could help me in some way. He seems pretty... wise?

"We'll it's just, you see, the other day I found my roommates sketchbook, I decided to take a look and... they were all portraits. Of me." I didn't really know what else to say. That the same roommate had given me a concussion? I think not.

He looked slightly taken aback, "Well. I suppose that would be awfully distracting. But I must pose the question, why did you think it was ok for you to look in his sketchbook? Many artists sketchbooks are personal, it's like if he were to go though your computer."

He made a good point, "I suppose yeah. I don't know. I knew it was wrong but it was so tempting. I had never seen it before, he was so secretive with it. One time when I walked in he immediately shut the book."

"Don't you think that suggests that it was not your place or right to look at it then? Does he know you know?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No. Now ignoring the invasion of privacy, what does it mean?"

Mr Grambs sighed, "There are three possibilities that come to mind," he breathed in, "One, he was simply bored and you were there." he laughed to himself slightly, "Two, he finds you attractive or interesting enough to want to draw." he laughed even more now, "Or three, and your not going to like this one, he has romantic feelings for you."

My eyes widened and I stepped back, "No. No way. Sorry Sir I must be going. Food and all that." I quickly made my way over to the door.

As I was leaving Mr Grambs shouted, "It seems Kylo Ren has quite the crush on you! And you might reciprocate that!" I slammed the door. And he knows Kylo is my roommate!!!

Thank the lord no one was in the corridors. He knew that wasn't his place. Why would he say something like that? Then again I did ask him.

I made my way to my dorm for lunch, I couldn't be bothered to deal with canteen staff. As soon as I stepped in Kylo closed his sketchbook. Is he working on a new one? I guess I'll have to have a sneaky look later. He looked up at me, "Hey Hux!" he said jovially.

I smiled and nodded in response. I did think about eating but realised it would be best to study instead. I hadn't been paying attention that entire class because of someone.

As I sat at my desk looking over notes and doing practice questions Kylo spoke up, "Have you eaten yet."

I looked at him and shook my head. He immediately stood up, "What do you want? Pasta? Couscous? Cottage pie? I've been working on a bunch of recipes!" He was really exited for some reason. I didn't really take him for a cooking guy.

I shrugged and mumbled, "Anything's fine." He always smiles when I speak. I do wonder why though sometimes. It's not that unusual. He's heard me speak to him in whole sentences before. Then again I was drunker than a sailor.

He went over to the oven and began doing something. I put my head back down and started working again.

Eventually a plate was placed in my hands, "Voila." he smiled. I did the same. I looked down at the plate, cottage pie. My favourite. It's just a coincidence right? I'm overthinking everything since seeing his sketchbook. It's just a coincidence!

I went and sat on my bed with the food to avoid getting picked up again. The taste hit my mouth. It was lovely, has he only recently started cooking? Because this is amazing!

He looked up at me and smiled, "Is it good?" he asked. I nodded while putting more food in my mouth. How does he do this? I wish I had interesting talents. "Thank you! My Mum taught me how to make this one, it's an old family recipe."

No wonder it's so nice then.

1028 words

Literally just thinking about cottage pie now. I want cottage pie.

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