Chapter 13- Slut

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May the 4th be with you!!!!

Also on a sadder note CW: very brief mentions of suicide.

Hux's pov:

As I walked through the corridors to my history class I was met with something I was not used to- stares. Everyone. Maybe It was just a coincidence. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Everyone though?

Two people walked past me, staring at me while whispering to each over, "Such a slut." I shook my head and I chose to ignore it. They were not talking about me and I am quite sure of it. But It did get to my head.

As I got closer to my class another group of people started at me whispering, I didn't hear much but I heard the word "Whore."

Ok, that's two times a group of people have said those kind of words around me while staring at
me. This is not a coincidence. What is it? I looked down at my outfit, it was a pair of trouser and a knitted jumper. Nothing else was wrong?

I brushed it off and walked into my history class, more stares. My history teacher came rushing over, "I think we should talk outside Mr Hux." he said sternly as he led me into the now calm corridors.

"What is it? Is this about my essay because I though that-" but he cut me off.

"Watch this." He turned his phone around.

Me. And Kylo. Me in our room- taking my shirt off. It was a low quality video taken from outside my window but you could tell who it was. Kylo looking me up and down smiling. I was horrified. I didn't mind Kylo painting me but this, this was a different level. It was if the whole school had seen it. I stood there in silence, my mouth hanging open in shock.

"Mr Hux, you know there are to be no sexual relations on campus, this is-"

"What?! That wasn't sexual." I muttered the word, "He was painting me!" I was so frustrated. This video is leaked and that's the first thing he said to me?

"Thats pretty sexual if you ask me?" He remarked.

I couldn't believe him. He always had my back and now this. I was livid. My blood was boiling. I'm shocked I didn't push him against the wall.

I stormed past him and into the classroom where everyone was staring at me and whispering.  Someone from the back shouted 'Whore!' and then it started. People yelling at me, 'Slut!'  'Homo!'  every name nude the sun. The one that sick out the most though was slut.

I've always been quiet in class but I was sick of this fucking bullshit. "What?! What do you all fucking want?! None of you have any context to that fucking video! He was painting you perverts! What is your problem? You can all fuck off and leave me alone!" I had yelled tears steaming down my face. They all say there, their mouths slightly agape. No one knew what to do. No one had heard me talk before ; they were all shocked.

Mr Grambs came up behind me and whispered, "I think it's best you leave. I shall be reporting this as well."

I turned around and rolled my eyes, "I don't care, cunt." And with that I left. I couldn't care if he was going to report it, I want justice.

I stormed to Kylos classroom and walked in slamming the door behind me (disrupting the silence) Stares. Again. Whispering. Again. I strode
over to the teacher, "Mr Marklee needs to borrow Kylo." I lied and she nodded.

He got up and came out with me to the corridors. Empty. Peaceful.
No stares. He was leaning up against the wall, I turned
to him and said, "You can't display that painting!"

He looked confused, "What? Is this about the video?" He asked.

"Is it about video?- OF COURSE ITS ABOUT THE VIDEO!" He jumped back as I yelled. He's heard me talk, never yell though.

He frowned sympathetically, "You need to ignore the people. It's none of their business. This shouldn't effect displaying the painting. It's beautiful."

I started at him, disbelief and disgust ridden on my face, "You only want to display the painting don't you?" I said in anger, "You don't care about my feelings or how this will affect me as long as you get to display your painting. Selfish. Your a selfish fucking arsehole. Rot. In. Hell!"

"You think I haven't gotten comments to? All day. 'Gay, homo, freak!'"

I couldn't believe him, "It's not your body is it?! You just sat there in that video looking pretty. I've been called a slut, a whore all day because of this! So I'm sorry someone acknowledged your sexuality for once but don't even compare this to me! I haven't even hear the last comment yet, I can guarantee you!"

"But Im not-"

"Oh come on Kylo." I rolled my eyes, "We all know. You can't hide it. I've seen the way you look at me."

As soon as I'd finished his face was pressed against mine. He was kissing me? I tried pushing him off but he was so heavy. Eventually I did though. I didn't realise he would actually kiss me.

"Do not touch me!" I shouted and stormed off. Tears steaming down my face again.

When I got back to my dorm I called my mum. I didn't tell her about anything though, just listend to her ramble on about Dad or anything really to take my mind of off it.

"Are you okay hunny?" She asked sweetly.

"Hmm? Oh yes. I'm fine." I said.

She hummed and that, unconvinced, "Well I've got to go now, see you soon."

"Bye Mum love you." and she hung up.

I only had one social media account and they all had found it.



Really? Those two? Fucking homos.

What a bunch of weirdos.

Hux. Is such. A slut.

Kill yourself.

And so I tried.

1019 words

And on that note, happy star war's day! May the fourth be with you :)

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