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(Most of the story will be in Mallory's pov but I felt like Luke's pov would best tell the beginning of their story.)
Luke's POV

I sighed in aspiration as the complicated women proceeded to hold up the checkout line because she couldn't decide which dress to purchase.
"Oh!" She sighed eyes flicking over both of them frantically. I snapped my gum impatiently and tried showing my irritation by tapping the register with my finger.
"Which one do you prefer? Because the black one is very slimming and classy, but the red one if more daring and bold."
My bored expression glanced over them. "They're both nice Mrs. Can I please ring them up, there's a line building." I was acting a little ruder than usual, but people annoyed me sometimes. Picking target as my summer job wasn't a very good call. All I did was hear customers complain, restock and ring people up. Honestly restocking was the best option.
The lady continued to argue with herself,"should I go with the black one and play it safe? No I need to take risks! I need to get the red one." She seemed confident as she finally handed me the red one. But as I placed it in the bag she looked worried and slid the black one towards me,"just in case." I gave her a smile before she departed. After the long line of frustrated customers 4 o'clock rolled by. I closed my lane and as usual headed to restock the CDs. But when I say restock I mean check out the new albums and catch a glance at the pretty girl that works at Starbucks. I've seen her work here most of the summer, but haven't got the guts to actually talk to her. She didn't seem like other girls. Most girls try calling attention to themselves, whether it be by looks, or by trying to hard to be flirty. But the girl at Starbucks came off completely natural. She didn't brush her hair behind her hair to seem cute, but because it was getting in the way. She never came off as working to hard to be nice, but that she was just genuinely nice. It was refreshing. It's weird to be attracted toward a girl you've never really talked to before, but throughout the whole summer I couldn't get her off my mind. And besides the fact that she seemed like a natural girl, she was beautiful. She didn't wear much makeup which was perfectly fine with me. She didn't need it.
I sighed. Here I go again day dreaming over her! I returned to adding CDs to the rack. Why was I so nervious to just go up to her and talk? I've charmed my way with several girls in my life, so why couldn't I grow a pair (as Calum kept telling me) and just talk? No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find the answer.
I slowly peeked over the rack to see the girl pulling her brown hair into a ponytail. I watched as she closed her eyes and her lips parted slightly as she smoothed her hair out. I was mesmerized. And in an instant her eyes snapped opened and seemed to stare straight into mine. I smiled and gave a small wave, she immediately blushed and looked away, trying to seem busy. My smile faded away. What was I thinking? I'm such an idiot! She's probably creeped out that some stranger was checking her out! Ugh! I quickly finished the CDs before clocking out for the day. I need to talk to her. I just needed a plan first.

"Have you talked to her yet?" Calum pestered as I was busy restocking all the products on the higher shelves. I guess being 6'4 had its perks.
"Piss off Calum I'm working."
"So you haven't!" He chuckled.
"I haven't found the right opportunity yet," I grumbled causing Calum to laugh harder.
"Grow a pair and just talk to her. It's not that hard."
"Go away Calum."
"No," he yanked my shirt and tugged me over the rack of CDs.
"You're going to go up to the counter and talk to this girl like a normal human being."
"Let me go!" He released me, before glancing over at the girl.
"What's so special about this girl anyway? She's pretty average. I mean she's got a nice rack, but she's kinda short don't you think?"
"Shut the hell up, it's none of your business," I shout smacking his head. Everyone glances over at us, so we result to angry whispers.
"What the hell was that for?" Calum whines rubbing his head. "I was just stating my opinion thank you very much!"
"Whatever. I just.." I look over at the girl as she takes orders,"I don't know anything about her. And well.." Calum starts staring at her too as I continue,"I wanna get to know her that's all. When it comes to girls, they never are interested in just talking."
Once I finish, the girl looks up at us staring which causes her to drop a steaming hot latte all over the guy across the counter.
"Ohhhh," me and calum cringe in unison as she frantically apologizes, grabbing a towel and trying to help the guy clean up.
He starts yelling at her as she continues to apologize.
"She seems pretty clumsy to me." Calum comments. I shrug. I felt bad for her. Because after getting yelled at by the customer, I could hear her boss chew her out in the back.
When she came back out, she looked disappointed, but not sad. I couldn't help but wonder why.
"Hemmings! What the devils are you doing?" My boss shouts marching over to the CD rack.
"Uh good luck," calum says before quickly rushing out.
My boss was a short man of 5'5 with a temper of a 4 year old. Anything could blow his gasket. Not to mention his pointy nose contributed to the fact that he always looked aggravated. He pushed up his glasses as he finally stood a few get away exclaiming,"I'm not paying you to just stand here and do nothing! Get to work!"
"Yes sir!" I reply before catching one last glance at the girl at the register.

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