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Zac drove his car around until his childhood best friend called him asking to meet him at a bar.

At first, he turned the invitation down but after missing a call from Fatima then her not answering his, he decided to pop up. He went home, quickly jumped in the shower, changed into some jeans and white polo and was back out the door.

8:42 pm...

"I'm only here cause you my boy and I ain't chopped it up with you in a month" Zac said, dapping his friend, Cameron.

"Look at you, big money nigga" Cameron laughed as Zac took the stool beside him. "Says the man who just closed a 6 million dollar deal in Vegas" they shared a laugh together.

"So what's new man?" Cameron asked as the bartender sat 4 shots of Hennessy in front of them.

"Man shit" Zac said running his head down his face and throwing a shot back. ""Ahhh hell" Cameron started "I know what that means" he threw his shot back.

"Who got your shit empty and stressed out now?" Cameron chuckles, making Zac smile and shake his head. "It's not even like that..not with her..not this time" The blank, pondering look on his face told it all.

"Wait..." Cameron sat in silence, looking off. "Shit..you saw Fatima, didn't you!?" Zac just chuckled and took another shot. "What happened? She married a square ass nigga or something?"

"Nah..we been kicking it, for like a month" he flashed a smile, shaking his head.

"Whaaat?" his friend grinned.

Zac took the time to explain to Cameron the events from the moment they saw each other in the coffee shop to him fighting at the wedding.

"So his lame ass pops up at her job like he wants to take her to dinner to apologize or whatever and she considering that shit? Like she really consid-" Zac wasn't able to finish his sentence.

"Is she single?" Zac's face twisted up
at his friend's question. "Nigga, for what? Who wanna know?"

"Bro, chill! Not me" Cameron laughed "I'm asking this for you. Is she single?"

Zac shrugged, "I mean I guess..I'm with her all the time if we aren't at work but-"

"Because I didn't hear you say anything about being with her"
Zac scratched the side of his neck.

"Cause I'm not" he said simply, throwing it back.

"So what you mad for? Yeah, the nigga was talking crazy and everybody knows how you are when it comes to Ti but bro...you didn't tell her what he said and besides fucking, what else y'all doing?"

Zac was quiet. "Zac, you've loved that girl since you met her but do you ever think if she still remembers that shit you put her through before-" Zac threw his hands up in defense.

"We made up, got over it and moved past it, bro. That shit is old"

"Yeah, but y'all ain't together now..and that's your fault. It might be okay to you but women are different, they don't forget shit."

Zac didn't speak. He knew everything his friend was saying was true. Zac had made some mistakes with Fatima in the past, a few before they became serious and sadly, one after.

"I knew y'all would never stay away from each other though.." Cameron chuckled, taking his shot.

"Go get your girl, man"

11:35 pm...

"Thank you for letting me stop by. I know things have been weird since the wedding" Jayda said, walking into Zac's front door.

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