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disclaimer: remember what i said last time 😘

Suite 4022 - Babygirl Taylor🎀

Fatima's pain finally settled enough for Dr Pearl and her team to evaluate her and the baby's conditions. She was given a medication called Tocolytics to slow her contractions down during the meantime. Carol held onto her daughter's hand while Dr Pearl explained how she and Baby Taylor were stable but not completely in the clear yet. Fatima's blood pressure began to climb as a combination of instant stress on mother and baby following Zac's puzzling accident and seemingly disappearance. Since then, it has gone down but it still wasnt ideal for a pregnant woman in active labor.

"During the ultrasound, I saw that baby girl is breech, meaning she's foot first instead of head, how she should be" Fatima nodded, chewing on the inside of her jaw. She felt that familiar warmth growing behind eyes, signaling tears.

"The intense pain you felt was her basically trying to correct position..along with contractions" Dr Pearl sweetly smiled. Fatima just nodded as she listened.
"I spoke with your friend Dani, nice girl" the doctor started, being mindful of her words, "I know your mind is all over the place..the baby, your health, Zac"

"Is he here?" Fatima interrupted before she knew her sentence was over. She didn't care if it was or not

"No, he's not but listen Fa-"

"Can you check the main hospital for me please? If it's not too much to ask" Carol rubbed her daughters shoulders as she stood beside her. She whispered for her to remain as calm as she could.

"Why would he be.." Dr Pearl's voice faded as she remembered what Dani had told her. "I'll check for you but listen, Fatima. You and baby girl aren't out of the woods yet..because-"

Frustrated in manner, Fatima shook her head, pretending to straighten the cords attached to the two IVs in her hand "Because my water broke then my contractions stopped but my blood pressure is high, I know that already" she huffed rolling her eyes "Aye, Tima..watch that attitude. I get it but you know better" her mother politely scolded with a quick sting on the arm. Fatima's eyes fell a little as she rubbed the warm spot, looking back to Dr Pearl "I'm sorry..it's just so much right now. I-"

"Aht, stop it. You don't have to explain anything to me" she grabbed tissues from the box on the side table. She smiled as she wiped Fatima's fallen tears "I can't have this baby without him. I mean he can't miss this..he has to be okay" she sighed as more tears came to her eyes, "He couldn't live with himself if he missed his baby girl being born. Where is he? Is there anybody even looking for him?!"

"Yes," she defeatedly sighed "Dani said she, her husband and a friend were going out to where they think he was based off what Dani remembered from the facetime call" Dr Pearl said making Fatima smack her lips, "She made sure to talk to me before they left"

"What? Why didn't you say that first?! Mommy, did she give daddy my phone?" each word laced with every bit of attitude she could find.

"Lord, Fatima because there's more you need to know especially with your plans of a natural birth"

Fatima's mood changed as she faced the doctor "What do you mean? I can't do a natural birth now? Why the hell not?"

"That's not exactly what I'm saying but this is the situation on the table" she looked over to Carol before looking to Fatima.

"So, we know she's breach and a caesarean is highly recommended to deliver babies in such a case as this. Now, here is where there's some decisions that need to made. Your water broke.." she paused, shifting her clipboard to her left arm to look at her watch, like there wasn't a clock on the wall. Fatima internally rolled her eyes "about 8 almost 9 hours ago.."

"And my contractions stopped as soon as I got settled into this room. I thought something was weird about that but then again" Fatima shrugged "This is my first kid"

"Well that's what people think..there water breaks and it's time to push. Yeah, no. In so cases, contractions could take up to 12-24 to began. It's literally a baby waiting game..she's in charge" she took a step forward, lightly touching Fatima's belly "Until she isn't and Fatima, your blood pressure is high..it's too high for us to be dealing with a breach baby. If we can't get it regulated, we might have to call for an emergency caesarean" she said lowly, knowing Fatima's reaction wouldn't be thrilling.

"You mean like..take her right now? Without Zac?" nobody said a word and she mentally made her mind up. "You said up to 24 hours, right? It's only been what..9?" she said looking at the clock on the wall

"Fatima.." her mother tested, firmly tapping her shoulder. She looked over at her mother, pleading for a little understanding "Mommy I know..but just hear me out okay? I can keep myself calm until then..I just want to give them time to find him" she turned back to Dr Pearl "I was given that medicine to slow my contractions, on top of them not even being frequent for the past 9 hours." Dr Pearl and Mama Carol made eye contact instantly.

"Fatima we understand what you're saying and in a perfectly planned out situation, it could take her a few days but she's breach Fatima, your blood pressure..honey, this could be dangerous" Dr Pearl said honestly as Carol silently agreed.

"Okay, my blood pressure, y'all keep saying that but do you wanna know why? its because the father of my child could be on the side of the fucking road right now and nobody is doing anything about it. like what the fuck is going on? seriously?" she blanked, "Where's my daddy? he would have been had a team on this" she mumbled lowly, reaching for her phone. "My man can be bleeding out and y'all in here playing" she kept on scrolling through her phone. Her mother quickly snatched it away.

"Baby, your father and Zac's parents are already at the station. He called his deputy friend and they left after everybody was kicked out earlier. He texted me"

Fatima looked at her mother in disbelief "Okay so y'all knew people were looking for him and but I've haven't seen neither in of y'all asking for an update!" just then her machine began slowly beeping again making Dr Pearl walk over to her bedside. Fatima sighed, laying back on the bed as her mother looked over at her.

"Okay, Anne" Carol said looking down at her daughter "We understand it's a lot going on and not knowing where Zac is right now doesn't help but this! This right here is why we haven't told you everything. You need to be calm baby. You're carrying a life which is already hard enough on your body but this stress your causing on yourself when you can't do anything outside of lay here, pray and have a baby is not healthy Fatima"

Fatima sat quietly as tears ran down her face. If she wasn't stuck to a hospital bed, she'd be out there looking for him herself. Belly and all.

"The Zac you know is strong. Wherever he is, he's fighting...for you and his baby girl. He's gonna come back to you baby" Carol sighed, as Dr Pearl stepped out of the way. She kissed her daughters forehead, while Fatima's shoulders shook while she sobbed.

At that same moment, cookie mama began moving wildly, almost kicking and punching as if she agreed with her grandmother. The thought of her daughter knowing her father was okay calmed Fatima's heart. This little girl was needed more than she was old enough to understand.

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