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Barbados awoke with a start. Tears rolling down his face as he jolted up from his bed. Was this all a dream? Are my friends all fine...? He thought. Breathing heavily, he looked at his phone. 

[Three missed calls from United Kingdom]

Barbados opened his phone. He wasn't eager to talk to UK, he was going to take him to the UN for a trial after all, and Barbados was innocent... wasn't he? 

[Private Chat with United Kingdom

United Kingdom: Barbados

Barbados read the UK's message. He hated messages like that. Those types of messages always made him feel like he was in trouble. Except this time he knew exactly why UK was messaging him. The trial.

United Kingdom: Barbados! I find this quite rude. I know you have read my message. Have you forgotten that it shows when you view messages?

Oh heck, I forgot it did that-! I'm screwed! How can I ignore UK now?!  Barbados thought to himself. He was innocent, but there was a lot of evidence against him. No one would believe him anyway. St. Vincent was always the well liked, friendly one in the Caribbean group, they never got into any trouble. Thinking about Vince made Barbados emotional again, so he tried not to think about them. 

Barbss: Oh sorry just woke up

United Kingdom: What's with that name Barbados?

Barbss: This is literally a chatting place where you can express yourself talk to your friends and not be formal for once

United Kingdom: You newer countries are never formal, you need to learn that being formal is good.

Barbss: Bro this isn't a place to be formal this is a chatting app 

United Kingdom: Do you newer countries also lack manners? Why are you calling me "Bro," when I have a name, it's United Kingdom.

Barbss: I just said this is a literal chatting app and stop referring to me as a newer country and generalizing all of us that's not very formal  of you 

United Kingdom: You really do lack manners, Barbados. As a former member of the British commonwealth you should really listen to me and use my proper name.

Barbss: No way I'm calling you some long ass name

Barbss: What is it again? United Kingdom of Grated Cheese Britain and Northern Ireland?

United Kingdom: Long what name now?! Grated Cheese Britain?! Treat your former ruler with respect! 

Barbss: Oh my gosh can you loosen up and learn how to take a joke? You're acting like you have authority over me or something with your "tReAt YoUr FoRmEr RuLeR wItH rEsPeCt" no you old colonizer no

United Kingdom: Old colonizer?! 

United Kingdom: I'm done with you and your informality. Your trial is at 1:00 p.m today. 

That was it. The dreaded message came. Barbados' trial. Today. 1:00. It was already 11:00, he only had 2 hours to gather evidence that he's innocent and get someone to help him! And no one will help him, because they all think he's a criminal!

Barbss: And if I don't come 

United Kingdom: That's suspicious, why do you not want to come? If you were innocent, then you would've agreed to the trial. This is evidence against you once again Barbados, I am very sorry it is concerning that you wouldn't want to come.

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