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Billie got out of her car, her cheeks burning red and her eyes filled with nothing but rage as she marched over to my car.

I sunk into my seat for a moment before opening my door to meet her enraged expression.

"What the fuck", is all she stated, her normally cold voice was laced with venom as her eyes dug into my soul, "What the fuck have you done to my car?"

I had no response, I just stood there shaking whilst she glared at me clearly awaiting her answer.

"Technically, I had right of way?", I spoke nervously, immediately regretting the words flowing out my mouth but she seemed to ignore them as she grabbed my arm pulling me to see the damage I had done.

"Look at that shit!" She snarled pointing at the scraped paint and humongous indent in her back door, it looked pretty bad, I considered complaining about my car but when I looked at it, there wasn't even a scratch.

She held such menacing eye contact and it made me want to cry, today had already sucked so bad but this, this was going to be my breaking point.

"I'm so sorry baby", Billie started talking to her car making me raise a brow, "I'm gonna get you fixed up"

I let out an unintentional snort and Billie's head turned around so fast I'm surprised she didn't give herself whiplash, her eyes piercing into mine.

"I don't think you should be laughing right now Jelani", She spoke scarily calmly, "I could sue you for this"

That's all it took for any humour within me to drain and for my brain to start thinking about the seriousness of the situation.

What if she does sue me and my family?

We don't have the money for that

Neither me or my sisters would have a future and it would be all my fault

My eyes start watering as I begin pacing around, once again trying to prevent panic from erupting and taking over my body.

Billie takes no notice and goes back to talking to her car.

"Shit!" I heard a voice behind me, "What happened to your car?"

It was Odessa and another few of the cheerleaders crowding around to see what had happened.

"Damn tow truck girl!" one of them said, "I didn't know you had it in you"

"Are either of you hurt?", Odessa asked, "I have plasters, ice packs and paracetamol in my bag"

"I'm fine", Billie mumbled, still staring at her mess of a car.

"Oh my god, my mum is going to kill me", I cry out as tears once again break free.

"Your mum's going to kill you?", Billie retorted, "Have you compared the states of our cars, if my mum sees this.."

"But im the one who did it!" I exclaim, "I mean look at it, I could've properly hurt you!"

"Don't lose sleep over it Jelani, my mum will blame and only me for this, I promise you", She muttered before pulling out her phone, "I better call her though, as I can't get home now"

She sends me another glare before ringing her mum and I do the same.

Fifteen minutes later, my mum arrived with a concerned look on her face as she rushed up to me.

"Are you hurt zira?" my mum asked scanning over my body for any sign of injury.

"No", I mumbled as she turned my head to look at both sides of my face.

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