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My dad and younger sister, Kaiya are in the front yard repainting our old treehouse, when my mom and I return, the treehouse that was once white had now turned a greenish brown colour so it was about time it got fixed up.

"So what's the damage?", My dad questions as I get out the car, joining them in the yard.

"My car is fine—" I started before being cut off.

"I mean you Zira", He spoke with concern, placing his hands on my shoulders, examining me for any visual sign of injury, that was one of the things I loved about him, I know he was going to lecture me later about safe driving and explain that I'm lucky Billie's parents aren't asking for money to help with repairs or worse, taking us to court but right now, all he cares about is my wellbeing.

"I'm glad you're okay", Kaiya says, climbing down from the treehouse with a soft smile, "There's an ice pack in the freezer if you need it"

"Thanks Kai, but I'm okay", I responded truthfully.

Kaiya was a sweetheart, she put everyone before herself but sometimes that was the problem, she tended to let people walk all over her, she was too nice making her an easy target for bullies. It got so bad last year that she ended up having to drop out and never finished 7th grade, she's being homeschooled for now but we're hoping she'll be able to go to high school.

Mom and I spent the next hour helping Dad and Kaiya repaint the treehouse, and by the time we were done, it was completely dark outside apart from the streetlights that lit up our road but we had been so motivated to finish the treehouse as it was Halloween next week and Kaiya wanted to decorate, so it had to look perfect.

"I texted Raya about the accident", Kaiya told me as we walked inside to start prepping for dinner, "She was so worried and wanted to come home but work is crazy at the moment"

Raya is my older half-sister, my mom divorced her father when she was a toddler but they're still on good terms, she spends most of her time here but some weekends she drives down to see her dad who lives by the sea, but its getting harder now with her new job, she doesn't get a lot of time off anymore.

"Zira", My mom says as we sit down at the table, "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

I knew this conversation would eventually come around not that I particularly wanted to talk about it.

"Do I have to?", I mumbled, picking at my cuticles whilst keeping my eyes glued to the table.

My dad raises and eyebrow, tilting his head slightly, "Do we have to talk about why you were so distracted that you didn't notice a car reversing in front of you? Yes.. yes we do"

I let out a dramatic sigh, looking up at him, "I had a bad match, that's all"

"Because of St Greggs?", My mom asked, "Or because of Amyra?"

I hated how my parents seemed to somehow know exactly how I was feeling, I was beyond grateful that they cared but sometimes, I just wanted to eat my dinner in peace without them reading out my feelings like a book.

"We're sorry we couldn't be their to watch the game Zee", Kaiya apologised looking genuinely, "I know how bad it's been for you since Amyra left"

"Losing your first love is really hard", My mom added, attempting to sympathise with me.

I never knew if my parents ever truly liked Amyra, I mean they were friends with her parents but when it came to her it seemed they simply put up with her because they knew how much I loved her, they always smiled and hugged her when she came over, and made sure to make her feel at home where they could but I just got the vibe they were doing it for my sake.

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