Peter Parker X Male reader

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Info; Peter and M/n fall aslep cuddiling and the avengers find out.
Title;Love you.

“I think they’re cute.”

You heard one voice above you spoke, feminine, you can hear the smirk in her tone. You kept your eyes shut, and tighten your grip on Peter, who let out a soft moan and buried himself deeper into you.

“Who the hell is this kid?”

That was a voice you recognised from the media, that was Tony Stark.

“Must be a friend of Peter.”

“A friend, aye Steve, that’s more than a friend.”

“Don’t be so loud, Bucky-”

“Says you!”

Ah, Steve Rogers and his best friend, James Barnes. It was true, with the position you were in, it was very much obvious that you were just not a friend. But, then again, Steve just thinks you guys are really good friends - best friends that are very comfortable with each other but the look that Bucky gives him states otherwise.

“I think we should leave them,” you hear another timid voice, almost as if they were in a hurry, “They just got tired whilst they did homework.”

“No offence, Banner…”

So, it was Bruce Banner who was the first voice, Peter had told you that he loved Bruce and all his work. You couldn’t pinpoint who was the second voice though, someone you haven’t heard in the media.

“But, shouldn’t you be the one to advocate homework doing rather them slacking off?”

“Leave it, Sam,” Steve’s voice returned, “You try doing advance whatever-”

“I only got average marks, I’m not as smart as Spidey here.”

You started to wake up, feeling like there was no use to fall back asleep since they were so loud. As you shifted and opened your eyes, you had expected them to be looming over you, rather not inches away from your face. It was Thor’s face who was the closest, and the next thing you did was scream. Alerting Peter to wake up as well, uppercutting Clint in the face out of reflex.

“Told you we should have stepped back,” Natasha’s voice was heard as Clint glared at her.

You sat up with Peter practically on top of you. Peter had rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before realising he had fallen asleep on you, in the Avengers base. And, before you and him, were the Avengers just staring at the two of you.

“Peter,” You whispered, “They’re just staring…”

“Son,” Steve whispered as you looked at him with wide eyes, “We can hear you…”

You gave him a tight-lipped smile, scratching the back of your head as you looked at Peter, who was embarrassed but apparently was letting you take all the shit from his team - which, in your opinion, slightly piss taking. After all, you were the guest and Peter was your host.

“So, who are you?” Tony asked you, narrowing his eyes, “And what are your intentions with our kid?”

“What?” You snap your head to Peter then back to Tony, “I’m just his friend-”

“Ah hA!” Steve exclaimed as Bucky scoffed shaking his head, arms crossed over his chest.

“Yeah, no one is believing that shit kid, we know you’re dating Parker here,” Bucky told you upfront.

The reaction told them everything, the way you look slightly defeated and Peter was redder than before. You had promised Peter that you were just gonna act as his friend whilst you visit the Avenger base since Peter hadn’t told the team that you were his boyfriend, which meant there was no couple business between you two.

However, you got tired in the middle of your AP Physics homework, so you closed your eyes on the sofa, resting them, but inevitably falling asleep in the middle of Peter’s ramble. When you hadn’t responded to him, he had turned around to see you napping on the sofa, so instead of leaving you be, Peter climbed on top of you, chest to chest. His face buried between your neck, his arm lying over your stomach. And, he had also fallen asleep.

“We were just studying?” You offered, giving them a smile, “AP Physics.”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s all good and well, but,” Tony sat down, staring you down, “What is your intention with Peter?”

“I-?” You tilted your head to the side.

“Obviously, Peter is this amazing kid, who is smart and funny-”

“A little annoying,” Sam butted in as Peter glared.

“A little needy and clingy,” Natasha also interrupted.

“A joy to be around,” Thor added in with a smile, a shine in his eyes, “He’s a ray of sunshine as you little humans put it.”

“And we just want to know that if anything happened to him,” Tony continued as if he wasn’t interrupted in the first place. 

“We’ll kick your ass,” Bucky finished as you sat there dumbfounded.

“Ignore them,” Bruce cuts the silence with his voice as the atmosphere was slowly turning awkward as you didn’t know what to say.

In fact, Peter could feel you get uncomfortable under their stares. You looked at Peter with pleading in your eyes, and that’s when he realised that you were so desperately panicking internally and that he was being a bad host/boyfriend for taking the heat from his team.

“Guys!” Peter shouted, waving his arms in the air, “You’re scaring him, Jesus Christ, way to make an impression on him.”

The embarrassment in Peter had faded away, the team was being protective as always and it was nice to hear from them. But, you were his top priority and he had the need to protect you. He puts his hand on both your cheeks, making you look at him. 

“You alright?” He asked softly as you offer him a soft smile, reassuring him before he snapped his head to the team, “You are going to apologise to (Y/n) for your behaviours. Sometimes, I wonder how you guys are adults!”

“Oh-” Clint said, that wasn’t the reaction they were going for. They weren’t suppose to scare you like that, just intimidate you slightly.

Steve stepped forward for the team, “We apologise, we only had good intentions… Why don’t you stay for dinner, as a way to apologise for what we’ve done.”

You swallowed as Peter looks at you, you shrugged your shoulders and nodded timidly. Steve clapped his hands together and ordering the rest of the team to leave you two be whilst they set up and cook dinner for you. As Bucky leaves last, sending you and Peter a wink, you looked at Peter with knitted eyebrows when you two were completely alone.

“You know,” You started, “You didn’t need to do that.”

“I know,” Peter smiles, winking at you, “But, now, for the rest of the night I can ask anything from them with you, as an attempt to make up for what they’ve done.”

“You’re a little shit, Parker, you know that?” You chuckled as Peter smiles brightly at you.

“Oh, I know, anything to make you happy.”

Males x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now