Little space Alastor X Male Reader

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Warnings: Alastor gets hurt, blood, Video does have spoilers.
Title: Little fawn
Plot: Alastor was in his room at the hotel cleaning and M/n was fixing dinner for the two. Alastor was cleaning up some of M/n’s stuff when he cut his hand on one of M/n’s knives making him feel immense pain as high amounts of pain are a trigger for Alastor to slip into little space he began to slip before he could slip to fare he texted M/n that he was slipping.

M/n’s P.O.V

I was making dinner for me and Al when I got a text from him saying that he was slipping into little space I quickly texted him back saying I was almost done with dinner and would be upstairs as soon as I was done luckily the venison was finished by the time I sent that text so I plated our food and made my way upstairs to his room when I got there I knocked on the door “It’s just me little fawn.” I say before walking in to see him on the floor crying with blood dripping from his hand I quickly set the plates down on the table rushing to him “what happened little one” I ask in a claim but panicked tone “I wa twying to be helpful awd ‘sniffle’ I cut my swelf on one of ‘sniffle’ your knifes'' he explains still crying.

Alastor’s P.O.V

After I had texted M/n that I was slipping I tried so hard not to slip any farther then I had already so I could respond but the pain was to much for me to handle on my own and I ended up slipping to the age of four meaning that I couldn’t read talk very well and I couldn’t read anything at all. By the time I was fully in little space M/n was at the door letting me know that it was him and not Charlie or someone else I wanted to tell him to come in but I was in too much pain to do so he soon walked in to find me on the floor crying in pain he set the food down and rushed to me asking what happened “I wa twying to be helpful awd ‘sniffle’ I cut my swelf on one of ‘sniffle’ your knifes'' I say trying not to cry more “You poor thing. Why don’t we get you healed and bathed then we could watch some cartoons and eat some dinner. How does that sound to my little fawn?” M/n asks me as he starts to heal my cut “Yes please Daddy” I say as my hand starts to feel better “Of course little fawn now that your hand is healed let’s get you in the bath” he says picking me up and taking me to the bathroom starting the bath “Bubbles?” I ask not wanting a normal bath M/n nods his head starting to take off my clothes getting me ready for my bath. Once the bath was full Daddy put bubbles in then he picked me up placing me in the bubble bath than added some toys for me to play with once all my toys were in the bath I started to play with them splashing some water out of the tube making a small mess as Daddy started to wash my hair being careful of my ears and horns “Thank you daddy” I say as I keep playing with my toys “Sweet boy you don’t have to thank me I’m just taking care of you like I promised” Daddy says as he finished with my hair moving to my body. I was so focused in playing with my toys I didn’t even notice that my bath time was over “Hey little one bath time is over you need to get out so I can put you in some nice warm pajamas and then get some yummy food in you” Daddy says taking away the toys I wasn’t playing with. “But Daddy I don’t want to get out yet!” I whine not wanting to stop playing “I know you don’t want to stop playing but I also know that your hungry” he says in a soft and caring tone as my tummy growls “Okay I’ll get out” I say in disappointment as I start getting out of the bath.

M/n’s P.O.V

After drying Al off I tack him to his bedroom setting him on the bed walking to his closet “What pajamas do you want baby boy” I ask holding two sets of pajamas for him to wear to bed one was black with a fire design at the ankles the other was a two piece red pajama set with black dragon outlines on it “Dwagons!!” he says pointing at the one with dragon outlines “Okay baby boy” I started changing Alastor into his pajamas. I then grabbed the plates of food, setting the plate of cut up venison in front of Alastor so he could feed himself as he likes to have some independence when he is little like this.

3rd P.O.V

Once M/n set the food in front of Alastor he started eating right away making M/n chuckle quietly seeing just how hungry his little fawn was after his bath “Do you want to watch cartoons little one?” M/n asks taking a bite of venison well turning on the very old TV that was sitting on the Tv stand across from the bed “yes pwease Daddy” Alastor response before  taking the last bite of food he had on his plate scooting closer to M/n laying his head on his chest “Do you have a preference in what you want to watch” M/n asks setting both their plates on the nightstand before playing with Alastors hair stopping as he shakes his head no. M/n puts on a random cartoon after he does this he sees Alastor sucking his thumb “Little fawn do you want your paci” M/n asks pulling Alastors thumb out of his mouth “yes pwease” Alastor says with a blush on his face. M/n nods using his powers to get Alastors pacifier, giving it to Alastor watching him suck on the pacifier before continuing to play with Alastors hair and fluffy ears. As Alastor watched the colorful screen he began nodding off to sleep m/n turned to the heavy weight on his chest only to find Alastor had fallen asleep on his chest he quickly turned off the TV and lights slowly falling asleep as well.

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