4.so many uncles' and only one aunt

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*beep beep beep beep* my alarm went off and i got slapped in the face. "owwww what the fuck" i groan as i sit up. "get up sleepy head your uncle made breakfast" bubbly said. "okay but you didn't have to slap me..." i said walking to the door. "yes i did your alarm has been going off for around forty-five minutes" she says dead-paning. "in that case why didn't you wake me up sooner" i yell to her as i ran to the kitchen. "morning uncle" i say panting as  i walk into the kitchen. "morning your lucky i called Rumi telling her that you'd be a little late otherwise she'd be here right now" he said and i facepalmed. after we ate uncle dropped us off at my house and i walked in to see dad sleeping on the couch. i turned around and put a finger to my lips telling bubbly to be quiet. quietly, we tip-toe to my room were i find Rumi. "Rumi" i said and she looked up. "hey girl, i have your stuff packed and have already called the boys and said the code word and they understand." she said and then she looked to my right. "you must be the "bubbly girl she told me about yesterday." Rumi said and bubbly nodded her head. "thanks again Rumi tell dad to call me on my birthday? come on bubbly we's got to go" i said and they both nodded. i walk out my room to see dad still asleep on the couch. we walk outside and i wave to Rumi through a window and she waves back. 

"okay bubbly which way are we going?" i ask the hyperactive girl next to me. "just follow me" she says. i did just that. i followed her into a alleyway. "whats going on bubbly?" i asked her. "you'll see, kurogiri to base please" she said and just like that a purple portal opened and she dragged me in. i almost dropped my drawing pad, but didn't. "hey mama-giri are they asleep still?" she asked the purple ghost thing. "only dabi. who is this toga?" he said. "dabi's kid" she said and his yellow-ish eyes widened "oh yeah and their not joining us she's just staying for the summer." bubbly said. "kurogiri was it? my name is Ash Takami-Todoroki nice to meet you where is Crusty?" i said and he pointed to the couch where, indeed, Crusty was sitting. i flew over to him to see that he was on his phone playing some game. i landed in front of him. "Crusty do you know how to wake dad up?" i asked. "he looked up and almost laughed. "there is no waking him up hun." he said trying not to laugh in my face. i rolled my eyes. "if he is anything like me," i paused, "or is it the other way around? anyway~ there is only one way to wake him up" the entire room was quiet in a blink of the eye and the other members had finally noticed me. "tell us" they all said in unison. "who does he hate the most?" i asked Crusty trying not to fan-thing over Mr.Compress. "Endevour" Crusty said. "how could he hate G-P? but anyway~ if you want to know  how to wake him up watch this..." i said walking up to the room they all told me that was his. "DAD WAKE UP ENDEVOUR IS TRYING TO KILL US!!!" i yell to him from just inside his door standing in the frame. he shot up like a bullet with the meaning to kill. "chill dad just had to wake you up" he looked at me and calmed down. "are you sure that your not a god?" bubbly asked me. "sure am" i said. "meat us downstairs for breakfast babe" Crusty said and we all filed out of dads room.

after breakfast i thanked kurogiri for it and he clearly was shocked that i used basic manners. then we all sat down on the couch so dad could show me everyone. all-though i knew who everyone was and had a picture that i drew to give them.

"hun this is twice" dad said in a daze. "hello, no go to hell, sorry, no not sorry, sorry hello" he said fighting with his other self. and i handed him the picture i drew of him.

(the following pictures are all from google)

(the following pictures are all from google)

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