Satsuki and Suichi at School

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The very next day, both Kuramas would be going to school.


This would've been great if Crowama wasn't so chaotic. She didn't know the first thing about a normal high school and would act out constantly.

Everywhere they walked, she clung to his arm causing whispers to follow them. They were mostly girls talking amongst themselves. It was no secret that Suichi was a heartthrob of Meiou Academy and it would seem that his heart was finally captured.

By the new girl.

Which was really odd because the school year was already almost over.

Everything about this was odd.

"Satsuki," Kurama said calmly. "Do you mind simply walking by my side? PDA isn't allowed."

Crowama snorts. "Who cares?"

Kurama glanced at a group of girls, comforting each other at the loss of Kurama's availability. "They do."

"Whatever." Crowama quickened her pace, still holding onto her fiance's arm. She then turned around, walking backwards to face him. "When do we get to the part where we skip class and make love?"

Kurama clenched his jaw. "Where did you learn that from?"

"I made sure to read a teen magazine before enrolling."


Kurama pulled her back to his side. "Unfortunately for you, I'm here to focus on my studies."

"You're boring." Crowama pouts.

"You could always put yourself back to sleep and wait for some other man to wake you up with a kiss."

Crowama wanted to retort but they both made it to class.


Crowama had to sit all the way in the back and sadly, all the way across the room from Kurama. As the teacher gave the lecture she sat with her hands folded into a cranky for her head.

She stared at the back of Kurama's head, his familiar red hair easily identifable from the class.

Did he really mean that?

She was still thinking about the last words he said to her before the entered the classroom.

Would he really give me up that easily?

At the possibility of her moving on, would he even care? He has unknowingly made her furious. Her eyes were shooting daggers into him and he could feel it.

He knew better than to turn around, it would've been so obvious to the rest of the class.

He took his notes like normal, wishing that she'd stop glaring at him. Whatever he did to upset her, they'll discuss it later. If she kept staring at him like that, she was going to fall behind in her notes.

Not that she was taking notes. Crowama really underestimated school. It was a miracle she made it into the private school and it would take even less for her to be kicked out.

She was smart.

For tengu standards that is.

Earth knowledge was a whole other story.

Finally, the class breaked for lunch. Surprisingly, Crowama didn't approach him so Kurama took it up on himself to do so. Even if she sat so far away, he picked up his desk and moved it next to hers.

Crowama lifted her head idly. She managed to write a few notes, albeit not much. The page was rather bare.

"I don't know what I've done to upset you," Kurama said. "But that doesn't mean we can't have lunch together. I figured you didn't bring your own so I made you lunch."

Crowama's race reddened. She indeed forgot to bring lunch. In fact, she hadn't considered it.

"Thank you," she said simply.

Before Kurama could ask her what her problem was, one of his classmates and one-time ally approached them.

The boy adjusted his glasses. "I thought I'd never see the day."

"Kaito." Kurama greeted.

"See what?" Crowama crinkled her nose in disgust. "Mind your business."

"Satsuki..." Kurama warned lightly. "This is my friend, Yuu Kaito."

Kaito gave a small wave before glancing at Kurama. "I take it that there's more to meet the eye to this Satsuki."

Crowama looked confused, her eyes farting between the two boys. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Kurama sharply inhaled and began to explain in a low voice to ward off prying ears. "Kaito has has helped my friends and I save the world once. He knows that I'm a demon... Or at least was." Kurama gave up his right to return to Demon World.

"After watching Suichi reject many of our classmates, I just know there's something special about you." Kaito added. He certainly didn't use the word special lightly, but quite literally.

Crowama nodded her head in understanding. "Well... Kaito, you're right about that. But you need to earn my friendship to learn what exactly is so special about me." She was being particularly untrusting, aside from Kurama she hasn't met many men who weren't nitwits.

Bemused, Kaito scoffed the himself. "Very well." It wasn't the first time he had to earn trust.

"Now if you excuse us," Crowama  continued. "I was busy trying to ignore Suichi Dear."

Understand that it was not his place to stick around any longer, Kaito raised his hands in defeat and made himself scarce.

Now that he was gone, Kurama looked down at his fiance, pressing the palms of his hands into his desk. "Why are you trying to ignore me."

Crowama huffed and turned her head in the other direction to avoid his gaze.

"You said something that I took particular offence to."

Kurama sat down next to her, bringing his face close to her so she had no other choice but to look at him. "And what exactly did I say?"

Crowama closed her eyes and clamped down on her jaw. Through gritted teeth she said, "If I say it aloud, I fear I may not control the volume of my voice and I'll blow my cover."

Kurama's expression darkened. "I see."

"Well," he grabbed her hand in one of his and brought it up to his lips to deliver a light kiss. "I hope you can forgive me."

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