Dress Mess

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Crowama stood in front of her interactive mirror, striking poses as her reflection wore different wedding dresses. On the side of her reflection were links to where she could acquire these dresses.

"No, too simple."

Crowama went on to the next selection, posing with her hands behind her head.

"Too revealing."

She now posed with one her hands cuffed for the 'princess wave.'

"Aha! Perfect."

The dress was sleeveless with thin golden bangles holding them up. Gloves that barely went past her wrists covered her hands. Then there was her favorite part, the collar with the veil attached. This was going to be the dress.

Crowama peered at where she could aquire it. It wasn't from anywhere on earth, she'd have to go to the galaxy shopping district to pick it up.

Just then she heard her front door open as the crows let Kurama inside. Quickly, she turned the mirror back to normal so her reflection would only show her in her black leotard.

She was fast, but Kurama's eyes were faster. "What was that just now?" he teased as he rounded the corner to get inside.

"Mm... Nothing."

"Mmnothing?" he parroted.

"Oh you know," Crowama traced circles into the floor with her toes. "Just browsing for my wedding dress."

Kurama sidled up to her and put an arm around her, glancing at the mirror. Seemed that there was a lot of alien technology he'd have to get accustomed to. He was just going to have to pretend he understood what browsing looked like on a mirror.

"I see." He says. "I take it you are going with your friends to retrieve it?"

Crowama shrugged. She had thought about it and opted not to. "I think I'm just going by myself. I already know what I want, in and out. Quick and easy."

"Then allow me to come with you," Kurama offered. "I know the city better than you do." He wasn't aware that the pick-up would be in space yet.

Crowama stepped out of his grasp to face him. "About that... I'd be traveling into outer space. There's a whole solar system of a shopping district."

Even despite this news, Kurama still stood on his offer. "I've always wanted to go to space."


Kurama paused for a second. "Not really, no. Though I have to admit I've been curious about how your life was before me. I'd still like to go."

Crowama nodded and walked past him. "Very well then. Let's go."

Kurama couldn't hide his surprise. "Right now?"

"Don't want anyone else taking that dress before I could get my hands on it." Crowama asserted.


Crowama's ship was parked in orbit of Earth with its cloaking device enabled. She called it as close as possible into the atmosphere, avoiding detection.

In order to go up the rest of the way, Crowama used her leaf to fly them upwards. At this point in their relationship, Kurama was used to this form of flight. Was he was not used to was space travel.

The inside of Crowama's ship was nearly identical to her apartment. It was like she copied the design directly to make it feel more like home. It only occurred to Kurama that she might have been living in her ship for some time while searching for a mate. He was glad that her search was over.

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