Here Comes the Bird

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It was finally time.

The day of the wedding has arrived and everything is awful.

Crowama waited impatiently on the roof of her apartment building, tapping her foot. She and Kurama were dressed normally to avoid Crowama being seen in her wedding dress. It was bad luck after all.

The plan was for Lum to pick up Kurama and all the guests in her ship while Crowama went separately.

"She's late." Crowama said bitterly.

"I'm sure she'll be here." Kurama reassured. "The wedding can't start if we're all still on Earth. Have patience."

"I'll be impatient," said Hiei who came out here from Demon World. "I'm not even supposed to be here."

Crowama pointed at Hiei. "Is he going to be like this the entire time?"

Kurama shook his head. "He'll behave. I'll make sure of it."

A large shadow was cast over the three of them as Lum's ship arrived.

"About time." Crowama scoffed.

The hatch opened as Lum flew down, Ataru hanging onto her leg. Both were dressed for the occasion. "So sorry I'm late!" exclaims Lum. "It was tough rounding up all our friends in Tombiki Town."

"Princess Kurama!" Ataru let go of Lum's leg to land on the sidewalk. "It's not too late to change your mind. I'm still here."

"You're only invited because Lum is—" Kurama held up a hand to interrupt Crowama.

"Allow me to handle it," he says. "Just this once." Kurama pulls his rose whip from his hair and uses it to tie up Ataru in the blink of an eye.

Ataru looked down at himself puzzled. "What's the big idea? You're going to ruin the suit! This is a rental!"

"Should've thought about that beforehand." Kurama tossed the handle of the whip to Lum who caught it. "Do return it."

Lum's eyes widened. "Y-yes! Thank you! Come on Darling, let's go." She flew up again, Ataru in tow, dangling from the whip.

Hiei followed in pursuit, jumping with his enhanced abilities.

Kurama turned towards his fiance. "This is it." he said. "The next time I see you will be walking down the aisle." He leaned in for a kiss but Crowama denied him of it.

She carefully pushed his head back with her hand. "We'll save it for the wedding." she remarks with a cheeky grin.

"Well alright," Kurama smiles, opting to give her hands a squeeze instead. "Goodbye my love." With that he was gone too, following Hiei.

Inside of Lum's ship was everyone from the bachelorette party with the addition of Ten, Lum's baby cousin. Lum placed the tied up Ataru in his care.

"Now to find all your friends." Lum flew over to the controls, glancing at Kurama as she did so.

"I'll give you the coordinates." Kurama informed her. "I told everyone to meet up at Genkai's place."

"Perfect!" Lum typed in the relayed information and they were on their way.


"Getting married in highschool, huh." Shizuru took a long drag of her cigarette.

"We're all graduating soon anyway." Kuwabara reminded his sister. "Except Yusuke. He never went back to school."

"Hey!" Yusuke cranked his head around to listen in on their conversation once he heard his name. "Don't need school when I'm the Spirit Detective!"

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