I'm not scared of death
I'm scared of what ill be leaving behind
A family that loves me
Material items I can never see again
My favorite book series that was ongoing.
I fear ill die young and never know what life had in store for me.
I'm scared of what happens after death
A paradise like people say and promise
Or an eternal darkness where you can't feel, think, move, or are conscious
Where the people you leave behind are talking about the paradise you will be in
When you're actually in an eternal darkness
Where they're talking about stories from you're childhood That you'll never remember again
Where they talk about how you're always watching over them
When in reality you can't
You're confined to that dark place
I don't fear death
I fear the things I leave behind
A/N This is shit but it made me feel better because when i wax younger after anyone died I started to think about what happens after you die and it freaked me out