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Cooper Zegras

I woke up in the morning to a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw Sadie asleep, breathing softly. I moved her flyaways before I began to sit up, holding her against my chest as I made my way across the room. I set Sadie next to Olivia, so she was cuddled between her arm and herchest.

It's about 6:45 and I knew the dads would be awake. I have been needing to get their opinion on what to do about my crush. I really like Olivia and I have for a long time. I walk upstairs and see the dads all sitting on the porch with coffee. I grab a blanket, seeing as I slept shirtless last night. "Morning" I yawned, still slightly tired. "Morning Coop" Uncle Jamie said. "Can I talk to you guys about something?" I asked, clearly nervous. "Of course, you can come 'ere bud" Uncle Jamie said.

I walked over and sat next so him on the porch swing. "What's going on?" My dad asked, although he had a slight idea. "So basically, I really like Olivia and I have for awhile, I'm just afraid that she might not feel the same towards me. And I also don't wanna screw up the friend group or make Ollie mad at me" I spoke, them all nodding in understanding. Uncle Jamie was the first to speak. " bud, it sounds like you really like her. As much as I want to protect my baby girl, I also want her to be happy. I know she is close with Ollie, but she really likes you. I think you should ask her out on a date and go from there. Baby steps. Even if it's isn't a date, just hanging out 1 on 1" he suggested. We talked for a while after that about my feelings.

I heard the sliding door open, not thinking anything of it. "Coop" I heard a soft voice speak. I turned my head, noticing the brunette girls small frame shivering. " Hey liv, come here" I replied, opening up the blanket for her to join me. I had moved to the egg chair, still with no shirt. The blanket was so big and warm now. She was in spandex shorts and an old t-shirt of her dad's. Her hair was wild and messy, much like my curls. She joined me in the egg chair, snuggling into my side. I wrapped the blanket around us, the warmth of my body transferred onto hers, making her sigh in contentment and close her eyes. She layed her head on my shoulder, tracing one of my tattoos.

The dads gave me a look that said 'she totally likes you. "When did you get all those tattoos?" Uncle Jack asked, noticing my chest tattoos and new arm ones. "He got them done after our Disney trip. It was our birthday present to him" my dad spoke. "I like this one" Olivia whispered in my ear, tracing the spider one on my chest. "Yeah? Is it your favorite?" i asked softly. "No, this one is" she stated, moving to trace the one by my ab's. The dads all laughed at our behavior, saying we reminded them of my parents when they were younger. The dads eventually went inside, leaving me and Olivia alone.

"You're such a pretty girl" I complemented, meaning every word. She blushed, playing with my arm that was wrapped around her. She was fiddling around with my rings on my fingers. "Thanks Coop" "hey, wanna go for a bagel run?" There is this amazing bagel shop a couple of minutes away from the summer houses that had the best bagels. "Yes, I love bagel runs" she grinned. We went to my room first, grabbing a sweatshirt for me, and she stole a pair of grey sweats.

We got into my white SUV, her in the passenger seat with my hand on her thigh. We took off towards the bagel place, texting the group of sleeping teens hoping to wake them up before we got back. We got to the bagel shop and ordered bagels for everyone including Sadie and the parents as well as getting Sadie a rice crispy treat for later. We got back to the house about 15 minutes later. We said hi to the parents, giving them their bagels before going downstairs to the group. "Morning everyone! We brought food!" Olivia announced excitedly. The group stopped the game they were playing with Sadie, Leo picking up the small girl and running over with her.

"Yayyy!" Sadie shrieks. I laugh when she leans towards me, Leo handing the girl over. I held her securely on my hip with one hand, carrying the food in the other. "Duice?" She asked me, referring to the juice in Olivia's hand. "Yea, now let's eat before it gets cold"

We all sat eating, and I noticed Leo and Press were extra close this morning. They were sat on a bench, sitting so their legs were nearly touching. I noticed Pressley had a sweatshirt that I didn't recognize. I am gonna have to talk to Leo later.

Ollie's POV
I woke up to sadie shaking me softly " owlie " I smiled at her cuteness. She couldn't quite pronounce my name and it is the cutest thing ever. "What's up princess?" I asked, confused as to why she woke me up. " can I pway on your phone pwease?" I sat up, walking over to my phone. She followed me. I turned around and she made grabby hands, clearly wanting to be picked up. I picked her up and brought her upstairs while she was playing a game on my phone. All of us teens and the parents had games downloaded on our phones so she always had entertainment when we went anywhere.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch with her and the dads. The moms were still asleep, which I expected. "Someone's up early" my dad joked, noticing how tired I looked. "Not like I had much choice. I don't know where Cooper and Olivia is and Pressley is snuggled up with Leo." I explained. The dads all noticed how much Sadie was leaning into me, like I was a pillow. I took her back downstairs, knowing everyone else should be awake by now.

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