Whisperings down the hall

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"Forgive me Mr. Andreson but I am unable to understand you at this point. Both of us know what type of marriage is this and I want no interference in my life caused by you," Avantika spoke sharply as she looked at the unpredictable man in front of her. What was on his mind? He smirked as he looked at her and slowly drew back the hair falling on her face, "You see sweetheart I have to interfere because your actions reflect on my reputation."

"And I will assure you perfectly fine that-" "Avni come, you have to leave for the hotel now," Shraddha rushed out as she took her and following them were Karthik and Neil who were glaring back at the smirking Alexander.

'I hate the man' Avantika thought as she looked around the room. The room was decorated beautifully with petals of roses guiding the path to the bed where the petals had again formed a heart and the only thing lighting the room was candles and a very dim light. She sat near the table and got rid of the heavy attire and her pieces of jewellery. She went into the bathroom to wipe out the makeup only to get irritated again. It seems as if the never-ending petals of a rose are following her. She sighed as she submerged in the bathtub to get a relaxing treatment after all the headaches she took. It was soothing with the slow music playing in the background. She let her subconscious mind control her sense not knowing what was going on behind the scenes.

"I did as u told me to do. Now tell me where is she?" Someone spoke in the dark corridor as Karthik and Neil passed through it after dealing with some work.

"Not now. Not now. We have a guest here," the other one spoke.

Karthik and Neil looked at each other before looking at their back. The man opened the door and both of them hid behind the route leading to the room. Their ears perked up as they heard the name.

"Come in Mr.Alexander Andreson, we were waiting for you," the manly voice spoke. Neil couldn't stop his curiosity as he took a peek at the man. The man seemed to favour the colour black. The suit was black, and so was the cape and the mask that followed. He witnessed another person following him, the figure covered in a layer of a black cape. The voice that came out of him surprised him further as it was neither that of a male nor that of a female. The unknown spoke, "A great sacrifice you did to marry that characterless woman. But beware not to get tangled in the webs of her love. Now come in."

The words struck the cords of his heart and his fist tightened but it was not the time to act aggressively as he witnessed the prominent smirk on Alexander's visage when he followed the figures inside and a loud thud resonated in the hall.

"What was that? Or better who was that" Karthik whispered to Neil who looked at him determined, "Something we need to figure out."

Karthik nodded at him as they both walked quietly near the room.

The doorbell rang and a voice called out, "Coming."

The door opened and the man was welcomed with a confused look. He gave a bright smile as the lady asked who he was.

"Oh... sister-in-law, I am your one and only brother-in-law. Sebastian Andreson," The man said as he gave her a box wrapped in a beautiful glossy wrap of blue.

"And I.. " a lady appeared from behind and handed her a smaller box wrapped in pink princess wrap as she spoke out," Am Isabella Andreson. Your one and only sister-in-law."

"And we will like to declare proudly that we are twins," they both spoke together and gave each other a high fi.

"That's so nice of you guys. Thanks a lot for these gifts," Avantika spoke in gratitude as she looked at them. Nothing like their brother. They gave her a Cheshire grin as they spoke again," No need of thanks sis in law. Enjoy your night."

They went back in a rush as they heard their names being called. Avni looked at them with a smile before taking the gifts inside. She opened Isabella's first. Hoping for jewellery with the size of the box and she was not disappointed as she looked at the beautiful necklace and earrings. She put it on herself as she admired them.

Since her childhood, she had loved jewelry and makeup. Pink itself was one of her favourites. She was girlish and she accepted it. And it wasn't like she did tons of makeup and a lot of pieces of jewellery. She kept it simple and make-up gave her a new confidence. What's wrong with liking Pink? She could like Pink and still be a strong personality. She could hug a cuddly teddy bear at night and still fight against the demons. Being girly was nothing to be ashamed about.

She opened other gifts she found a pair of heavy sweaters lined with fur and a note that read...

It's cold in there. These are a must.

~Sebastian but you may call me Seb. Hope I could call you Avni.

It was really sweet of him to gift such a thoughtful thing she thought as she packed it inside her suitcase and the jewellery too. She will wear it on Isabella's day and tell her how much she liked it. She was happy that at least they were not like their brother and she could get some human interaction except her friends there. She sat before the mirror and did her nightly routine of moisturizing herself.

The doorbell rang again as she went to open the door only for a strong manly figure to fall on her. The smell reached her nose that scrunched in disgust. She can't believe that her husband was such a heavy drunk.

"Get away from me. How much have you drunk?" She spoke as she detached herself from him and tried to support him to the bed.

"Not enough. You still seem to me as the most gorgeous woman as you did back then," he spoke as he held her hand pulling her in his embrace.

"Back when?" She asked bewildered trying to save herself from his strong grip as he forced her on his lap.

"Still the most beautiful eyes. The same smile. Still the ever-stunning lady in white. The same twitch of lips when you are angry. The same rebellious nature. Everything. Everything is still the same," he spoke as he hugged himself in her nape taking a long breath of her lavender scent.

"Avni I missed you," he whispered slowly as she sat still. How does he know her? What was he talking about? What was going on here? She thought as she looked back at the man. He had stopped moving for some time. Perhaps he was finally asleep. She gently laid him down on the bed and proceeded towards the balcony. Honestly, she can't sleep on the bed and star gazing is what she needs now after this confession of his. She covered him in a blanket when a tune played. Perhaps his phone was ringing. She took out his phone which was secured in the inner pocket of the coat.

Daniel calling...

Daniel? Which Daniel? Daniel Silverstone? She thought as the phone finally disconnected. She tried to open it but the phone was secured with a password. She left it on the table stand as she walked to the balcony. The large swing provides her with a comfortable place to sit or even sleep if she wants to with a soft mattress and pillows on it.

Daniel Silverstone. It can't be him, right? Daniel is a very popular name in foreign. But what if it was him? She had to be careful around Alexander if he works under Daniel. And she had to find out if it was the same Daniel or not. Oh how much she wishes that he was not.

Daniel...what do you want now?

She thought as she looked at the moon. The one who had comforted her during sleepless nights. Slow winds blew around as she lay on the swing covering herself in a thin blanket as she lulled herself to sleep.

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