chapter iv

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// chapter iv //

Midnight struck faster than I expected. The girl, whose name I haven't quite catch, left in a hurry saying she needs to attend to something. She bid her goodbyes and even suppress a "see you around". Looks like she has a motive to stick, which I needed to erase right away. She can't continue sticking around, it has been only a day and she had been near me more than the students back in our school. I hopped on my motorbike and dash to my house.

The cozy-painted house came into view as I made a corner. I parked my motorbike by the garage seeing it's midnight. I picked my spare key and insert it to the keyhole. I made my way in only to be greeted by my mom. She was sitting at the couch with a coffee in her hand. She had changed into a homier outfit.


She greeted as she noticed me heading inside. I dropped the key to one of the bowl by the side and responded to mom

"Hey mom"

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick! I thought something happened to you"

"I just went to a party okay? Nothing to be worried about"

"A party!? Why haven't you told me? You could have been in danger there. You know how teens are when they are in parties, they get drunk and wild!"

She stood up yelling at me. I scoffed.

"Danger? Danger?! Mom are you blind?! What possible danger could have surpass living in this hellhole? You know what danger is? Danger is having an alcoholic for a father who fucking push and beat you around like a punching bag! And you don't seem to mind that! You for all people should know that"

I yelled not able to hold myself. How could she possibly thought that being in a party is dangerous? Have she not differentiated that from living with a monster?

"Jordan" she said in a soft voice and then she broke out crying "i-I'm s-s-o so sorry"

"Leave it mom. I'm tired and I want to go to sleep"

I was tired. I was tired of her apologies. She should have done something. She should have. I jogged upstairs, but before going inside my own room, I headed to Jane's room. I slowly opened the door and heard her soft breathings under the comforter. I sighed and closed the door, glad she haven't heard me and mom's unpleasant encounter. I walked to my room right next to Jane's. I quickly took off my shoes and tossed it to the sides and jumped to bed. I was tired. I was tired of the same damn thing.

I couldn't help but thought of the screenplay girl. The way her eyes went dull while talking metaphorically about flowers. She must have lost somebody. But I couldn't help but envy her, how could she smile like that? Like she has no problem in the world? how could she skip around smiling and laughing like no one is watching?

I slowly fell asleep with the thought of her in my mind.


I woke up the next morning, unhappy that I have slept with nothing resolved with the night before. I stood up and got dressed for school. It was the usual black leather jacket over a white t-shirt and black trousers. I also had on my black beat up converse. People often mistaken me as a bad boy because of the way I dress and also the fact that I hate mingling with people. I hate interactions, I hate letting people in because if I let them in, they'll know how to break me. As if I'm not already broken. I am way beyond repaired. I could never be fixed, I'm way too shattered.

I took cautious steps downstairs, I peeked through the stair handles trying to locate if Jerry have arrived.

And I was right. He was on his usual throne. The couch. He laid limply on our burgundy colored couch. His left foot and arm touched the floor, while his right foot dangled by the edge of the couch. He got his right arm over his chest, gripping an empty beer bottle tightly.

I resisted the urge to kick him out of the house. How could he be labeled a father with this? I sighed and walked towards him. I grabbed his empty beer bottle and tossed it to the couch. I prepared breakfast for the ladies. Just in time I finished cooking bacon and eggs, Jane came running towards me.

"Jordy!!!" she yelled at me. I caught her in my arms and carried her.

"Janey! Hey, how you've been?"

"Good!" she said smiling. Showing off her crooked teeth. She glanced at her side and spotted Jerry still limply lying on the couch

"What is daddy doing?" I cringed by the word 'daddy' jerry doesn't deserved adoration from little innocent Jane. But I couldn't correct her, it would crush her knowing "daddy" has been a selfish bastard.

"Oh, daddy – cringe – was tired from work. That's why he is restless"

"Ohhhh – she nodded in understanding – poor daddy. He is so wardhorking"


"Yesh! Wardhorking, because he works vewy vewy hward"

"Oh! You mean hardworking?" I chuckled at my sister's jumbled speech

"I'm pwetty shure it's wardhorking" she corrected, determined to push through with her new found word

"Okay, whatever you say"

I placed her on top of the counter while I fetch some orange juice from the fridge. I placed all the meal I have prepared on top of the counter and we ate there in peace. Looks like Jerry has no plan in waking up, so it was a good advantage for us.

I was laughing at one of Jane's story when mom came in

"Oh, you prepared breakfast"

She said stating the obvious. I nodded and prepare her breakfast. I slide it to her side of the counter and she gave me a warm smile

"Mommy! daddy is so wardhorking!"

Jane exclaimed excitedly. Mom gave me a confused look and I mouthed hard-working to her which she quickly understood

"Yeah, he is Jane"

Jane giggled and continued with her breakfast. I sipped my orange juice as the awkward tension build up between me and my mom. Jane, not noticing the tension, continued telling her incredible stories back at school. I couldn't help but smile at her excitement. I looked up the clock and saw that it was already 8:30, I have 30 minutes to go to school.

Mom was first to noticed the time

"Oh my Jane, it's already 8:30, we better go"

"Oh, okay. Bye Jordy! See you waiter (later)"

"See you later Janey"

I pecked her cheek and she giggled uncontrollably

"I should give daddy a gwoodbye kiss"

My eyes widen a fraction and immediately stopped her even before she could get close to Jerry

"Uh no! that would be a bad idea Jane"

She had on this sad look on her face

"But why?"

"Um.. because daddy is tired. You wouldn't want to wake him up. I'll just inform him that you gave him a goodbye kiss when he wakes up, okay?"

"Okay" she said defeated and smiled once more

"Go along to mommy Jane, or you'll be late for school"

"Byeeee Jorddyyyy"

"Bye Janeey"

She ran off to mom holding her right hand with her left hand. She waved frantically at me, smiling so wide. Mom gave me an apologetic look but I paid no mind. I was still mad at her for pointing out that going to a party is dangerous. They quickly disperse out the door and into mom's minivan.

I took a disgusted look at Jerry and couldn't help but wonder horrendous thoughts about him. I shook my head in frustration and ran along to the front door, grabbing my keys in my backpack and hopping on my motorbike.

And then dashed off to my school

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