Chapter 19... A Not So Quiet Dinner

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Sindri was already working at Gróa's shrine. It baffled me how they made it to places before us.

Atreus did his thing and opened up Gróa's shrine. Stepping in, we watched as her prophecy played out before us.

Then it shifted as it showed Odin and Asgard falling and the rest of the realms still standing.

Tyr was in disbelief. He was set on not being a part of Ragnarok. Almost angry at the suggestion.

Kratos (who did unintentionally start this) once again voiced that this was not our fight.

Atreus, with his optimistic views, was open to it and saw that we had a chance to win.

I didn't want to go to war but it was hard to leave the realms under Odin's cruel rule.

Everyone suffered except for Asgard.

It thrived and was at its best compared to every other realm. At least that's what Mimir had told me. I had no reason to doubt him.

Tyr and Kratos were dead set against it. I held my tongue. I would talk to Kratos and Atreus separately later.

Both of their opinions were right, they just did not match each other.

I did my best to stay back and let them do what they do. I wasn't in the mood to really speak on anything.

Coming to a bridge we were attacked.

Kratos went over the edge. As I tipped over, Tyr grabbed me and pulled me back. He then picked me up and jumped down.

Tyr set me down gently. I nodded, too surprised by his actions to speak.

Dark elves were attacking. Kratos took them down as Tyr found a way for us to escape. I shot down a few with some daggers.

It reminded me of our first time here. They fought hard, if not harder than our first meet.

The dark elf assault was a long one. They kept fighting until we finally were able to find a gateway. Tyr was completely over being here. His shifting emotions boiled down to disgust and being overwhelmed.

He went through the gate and then we waited a bit. We let ourselves catch our breaths and our nerves calm down.

"(Y/n), what do you think about it?" Asked Atreus. I knew he was looking for me to be on his side, as was Kratos. I gave it a moment giving them both a glance. Both of them feeling the same way.

"I think that what we saw may in some way be true. However, I do not really believe it will come true. At least not the part about Týr."

"Why not?"

"What I have felt from him and what he has shown us, it doesn't seem like a man that will lead anyone anywhere. But I do think someone will lead whether we are involved or not."

"I know you're new to giant prophecies, but they do always come true."

"The whole prophecy or the important parts?" I asked. He didn't reply.

"We may see war, we may have to face it-"

"We will not go to war. It is not our fight." Kratos interrupted.

"Kratos, you know as well as I do that sometimes we do not have a say in how things play out." I responded. "We may not run head first into it, but it will eventually land on our doorstep."

Without replying, he opened the gateway.

"Home." He mumbled. We went through and headed back to Sindri's house.

I was surprised by the pleasant smell of dinner. Opening the door, I saw Tyr in the kitchen cooking.

It was true that he had traveled to many places. It makes sense that he picked up a few recipes during said travels.

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