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We see a dark sky full of stars. Music started to play in the background.

Space! What do you think of when hearing the word space? Could be an area that's quiet and free. Could be all the stars and planets...... Or you can think of a rocket.

A rocket zooms in super fast. We then look closely at who's in the rocket.

Airy: We seem to be close.

Chocolate Bar: The Banana Split Planet Is Just Up ahead!

4: What do we do next Commander Meeple!

Yep. That's me. Commander Meeple...... Well my name is MePhone4. But everyone here calls me MePhone.

MePhone4: 4! You're in charge of landing us when we get there!

4: You Got It!

The one with blue skin is an Algebralien name 4. Aka, the loud mouth, the ticking time bomb, my best friend.

Controlly: No dude you press this one!

Gamey: Obviously you have to press this one!

MePhone4: Hey! You Two Knock It Off!!

Controlly and Gamey: Sorry Commander Meeple.

Those two are Controlly and Gamey. They're mostly known as being the gamers in the group. One of them being the chill but also shown to be a simp.

Controlly: Hey!!

The other being the robot that's our tech guy in the group.

Crayon Box: Commander Meeple! There's Asteroids Heading Our Way!

Burger King: Oh Fuck No! I'm Not Gonna Have A Bunch Of Stupid Rocks Get In My Way! Airy! Hand Me A Gun

Airy:.... Ok.

Crayon Box: Airy give me one too!

Paint Palette: No girl. Stay put.

Crayon Box: Oh Come On!

The one with the paint splatters all over her is Paint Palette. She's basically the reason why we're all in. A friend group. She's also our counselor that can help us if we feel down. The other girl that's a tomboy is Crayon Box. She's basically the strongest one in the group. She's a bit of a fighter. She might seem scary, but she's also nice and supportive too.

Burger King: Airy!! I Need More Juice!

Airy: You got it.

Airy is basically the quiet one of the group. But just because he's quiet, doesn't mean there's nothing to him. Seriously. He can turn into a whole different person without his beanie on. The one that he's usually with is known as the Burger King. He wants to be the leader and ruler of everything. But no way I was gonna let him lead this mission.

Burger King: Eat This You Shitty Space Rocks!!

*Then he shoots his gun and destroys most of the asteroids. And soon all of them are gone.*

Burger King: WOO! Got Them All!!

Oodle: Guys Look! We're About To Land!!

MePhone4: Oh Crap! Space Cadet Chocolate Bar! Help 4 Out With The Landing Once We Get Over There! Gold Ingot, Make Sure Everyone Has Seat Belts On! Oodle, Make Sure Windows Are Clean For 4 To See!

Oodle, Chocolate Bar, Gold Ingot: Yes Sir Commander Sir!!

Oodle is another kid that's not like any other kid. He's actually a demigod! He is actually pretty strong and powerful despite his tendencies to clean a lot.

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