Camp and School

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Everyone was brought inside. Where they finally meet MePhone's foster parents. They all had blankets and juice boxes with them as they explained what had happened.

Lantern:....... So let me get this straight. You kids had a field trip going on and half of you guys stayed behind because the bus left you guys on accident. Then one half tried to find a way back to camp only to get lost in the woods.

Christmas Light: Then the other half noticed the other half was gone and you guys went to find them. Then you found them, and a bunch of wolves took you guys back here??

Oodle: Yeah that's about right?

Computer: Your house is very nice!

Mickey Mouse: Do you guys have anything then fucking grape juice!

Burger King: Yeah what the fuck!

Lantern: Hey! Language!

Airy: Sorry. They're just like that.

Lantern: Alright we definitely need to take you kids home....... Somehow?

UFO: No, we just need to go back to camp.

Popcorn: Yeah we only have like 5 days left and those are supposed to be the fun days of camp!

Christmas Light: Ok. Well what we can do is leave right now before it gets any darker to drop you guys off.

MePhone4: You guys go ahead. I'm gonna go to my room.

*Then MePhone leaves the living room to go to his room. The other main 11 got concerned about why he didn't want to go back.*

Crayon Box: We'll be right back.

*Then the other 11 get up and go follow MePhone up to his room. MePhone was already in his room already laying down in bed. The others slowly opened the door.*

Controlly:.... MePhone..... Is everything alright?

*MePhone just ignored them. Everyone just stood there.*

4: MePhone we can tell something was bothering you for you to do that....... We're not mad at you. We just want to know what's going on.

MePhone4:...... It's not fair.

*Everyone was shocked to hear him say that. Then MePhone gets up from his bed.*

MePhone4: Summer is almost over. And that means I won't see you guys again anymore!

Gold Ingot: I mean that is how it goes.

MePhone4: You don't understand. You guys at least will have each other once you guys go back home!.... What about me!!? I have no friends here! I'm stuck at home most of the time!! Most of the kids think I'm weird!!....... I don't want to leave!!! I want to be with you guys!!...... I don't want to go back to being alone!

*Then MePhone grabbed his pillow to hide his face so people wouldn't see him cry. 4 goes up to him.*

4:....... I get it now. I know how you feel MePhone...... I'm also afraid of leaving camp too.

MePhone4: Really?

4:...... Before I met any of you guys, no one really liked me. I was mostly by myself and I hated it. So when I met you, I wanted us to be together forever. I mean I was only trying to do whatever you wanted to do because I wanted to forget about the fact that I might not see you guys for a while.

MePhone4:..... I'm sorry for holding you guys hostage and almost letting you die.

Gamey: Don't apologize MePhone. I get it too!...... (Tears) I'm gonna miss you guys.

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