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Everyone was in shock knowing that MePhone didn't want them to leave the woods and go back to camp.

Gold Ingot: Wait Is This True!!?

MePhone4:.... Yes.

Crayon Box: But Why!!?

MePhone4: Look I just thought...... Summer is gonna be over soon and you guys mentioned we might not see each other anymore! So how about I make us stay here! And we won't have to go home! We can just be together for as long as we want!!

Burger King: Dude What The Fuck!!?

Chocolate Bar: What Were You Thinking!!!?

Paint Palette: Do You Know How Dangerous To Be Out Here!!

Oodle: We Could've Gotten Hurt Or Even Die Being Out Here!!

MePhone4: Guys I was-

Controlly: You Know Some Of Us Have Lives Outside Of Camp!!! All Of Us Have Stuff To Do!! And We're Just Stuck Here Because Of You!!

Gamey: Stuff to do!? Tell me Controlly. What's something you really want to do that you're already getting annoyed at being here!!?

Controlly: What are you on about?

Gamey: Oh you mean you don't want to leave here so you won't be able To Ask Someone To Be Your Second Best Friend!!!

Controlly: What- Is This About Me Wanting To Ask Wii U To Be My Second Best Friend!!?


Controlly: OK What Is The Big Deal About This!!! I Just Want Another Best Friend!!

Gamey: That's The Thing!! You Want Another Best Friend When You Already Have Me As Your Best Friend!!!

Controlly: Having Another Best Friend Is No Big Deal!!! Everyone Has More Than One Best Friend!!!

Computer: Me and MePhone are each other's second besties!! And we've been second besties for a while!!

4: What!!?

MePhone4: Uhhhhh

Controlly: See Computer Has Another Best Friend!!! Why Can't I Have One!!! You Get To Have More Than One Best Friend!!!

Gamey: No!! No!! I Don't Have More Than One Best Friend!! I Have More Than One Friend!! I Don't Mind You Having Another Friend!! But Best Friend!!!

Gold Ingot: You know you two should be lucky you even have a best friend! Unlike A Certain Someone Chocolate Bar!!

Chocolate Bar: Gold Ingot Can You Stop It With This Best Friend Stuff!!

Gold Ingot: No You Stop It!! This Whole Time You've Been Avoiding Me And Not Wanting To Interact With Me!!! I Thought We Were Friends!!

Chocolate Bar: Yeah That's The Thing!! You're Not My Friend!! You Never Were My Friend!!

Gold Ingot: Are You-..... Do You Still See Me As A Coworker!!!?

Chocolate Bar: Well.... Kinda.

Gold Ingot: Kinda. Kinda!!! So Did Our Conversations Mean Nothing To You!! Did Our Time Being With Each Other Was Just A Burden To You!!

Chocolate Bar: Well You Would Pin Yourself As The Victim If I Didn't Pay Attention To You!!

Gold Ingot: What About Our Time Trying To Get Into This Friend Group!! We Both Had To Work Together To Get Here!!

Chocolate Bar: What Choice Did I Have!!!? If We Weren't Gonna Be Here, It Was Either Be Stuck With You Or Be Alone For The Rest Of The Summer!!!

Airy: I don't think you guys should be friends if one of them is lying...... Which I think I might end a partnership with right now because of this.

Host Camping Daze The Movie: Lost In The WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now