#1 Small town Hobbit in a big world

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Opening your eyes to the sun shining through your window you yawn sitting up rubbing your eyes. As you get up from your bed you walk to your closet and get dressed into your day clothes, after you get dressed you walk to the kitchen for a nice pancake breakfast. You thought perhaps you would treat yourself better for the last day you were going to there in that world, you hoped that if maybe you weren't so lonely that you might just be ok living by yourself. Your parents.. well your mother she went missing on her way back from a walk little aways from the village you lived in with your family. Your father however you weren't sure what happened to him one morning he was just gone, then it left you and your older sibling that left when they were able which left you by yourself a simple hobbit girl driven to just about death because everyone in your life has left even your best friend who all along was just there for your older sibling. As you finish thinking over your thoughts as well as your breakfast you only now noticed that you had started tearing up so you wipe away the shed tears as you put the dish in the sink and head out to 'the place'

As you walk down the dirt pathway out of town some of the towns folk giving you odd looks as if you were some sort of monster or weirdo when really you were just like them, you brushed it off knowing you soon would not ever have to feel the way they made you feel for years. You continue walking along the path around 15 minutes later your nearly at your destination, once you arrive you sit on the edge for a bit taking in the beautiful last view you were going to see.. right as you were about to slide off you hear a cough then a voice behind you which snaps you out of your thoughts and anything you were about to do, you turn your head to see a old man and a staff in his hands. He says "What a fine view on such a fine day isn't it?" you respond "Well I suppose so.." He responds again saying "What is a hobbit doing so far away from the village hm?" You obviously lie "Just wanted to enjoy a nice view i guess." The man responds once more "Ah that would be nice if that were true.... what is the true reason your here dear?" you hesitate before responding with tears ready to fall "I was.. 'trying' so that maybe i wouldn't have to.. live the way i do anymore" The man takes a moment before responding and says "What makes you want to.. 'try' what exactly?" You manage to stutter out while crying "Everything.. the towns p- people just hate me and everyone I- I've ever loved has left me behind... i have n- nothing left." you pause for a moment before stating again "Why do you care so much anyways! *sniffle* you don't even know me." He responds with " Ah dear Y/N I've known you for a long time." You look at him blankly very confused at what he had meant he speaks up again saying....


WRITTER: Cliffhanger sorry! its midnight lol and i got school in a few hours so yeaa anyway ill update it more i swear ill do my best in know im not great at updating my books but this i swaer ill work on! hope you enjoy so far sorry its kinda short btw

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