#3 could it be?..

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"Oh gosh I'm so sorry! I must have not have been paying enough attention to where i was walking." You say as you bump into someone. You look up to see a 4'1 hobbit boy with brown fluffy hair blue eyes and a face that made you think you were dreaming and walking on clouds, as your zoned out seemingly staring he dusts him self off and hold out a hand to you as he says "Its alright, you ok? it looks like that fall hurt.." you (who is still zoned out) hear him yet don't respond as your voice doesn't seem able to make a sound. You snap out of your thoughts as he snaps his fingers and waves a hand if front of your face saying "Hello?.." You respond quickly "Oh, yes sorry about that.. I'm not too sure what happened its like I was talking but my voice wasn't making noise? or is it...." You ramble on nervously hoping it wasn't obvious that you were zoned out on him, it was around maybe 3 minutes later when you realized you were still talking just then you stop with a simple "sorry.. i can ramble sometimes" You look down now embarrassed at what you just did as your first impression on the boy. It wasn't long before he spoke up with a smile and said "Its ok, it happens to all of us at least once right?" you give a slight smile as you itch the back of your neck saying "Yea, i suppose your right on that" He gives you a smile and nod before speaking up again "I'm Frodo, what's your name?" you smile and respond with "Y/n, y/n l/n" he gives another smile as he says "Well its good to meet you Y/n" His tone comes out gentleman like and playful as he bows to you chuckling a little. His actions make you chuckle along with him as you give him a curtsy in response as you to chuckle together some time passes till you two calm down and he asks "So are you going to bilbos birthday? Gandalf is bringing his famous fireworks so you Gotta go" you chuckle again at his enthusiasm and then say "maybe, im not sure yet" he smiles before saying "alright well i hope to see you there" he pauses for a moment before saying " Gotta go help bilbo with birthday things, it was good meeting you and i hope to see you at the party!" he says giving you  a small wave before walking away with a smile, you respond with a smile and a wave goodbye saying "Yea it was good to meet you Frodo! i may see you later if i go!" 

Im so sorry it took so long but its finally out! yayy!!! hope you enjoy! - Random movie lover

Maple and oats (Frodo Baggins x reader)Where stories live. Discover now