~~ gambling ~~

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A rarity is the affection
From a broken chest,
Uniqueness is the farce
With which it is made to repair.

A disaster it is
When the truth is exposed —
Everything comes crumbling down
When the opponent plays the masterstroke.

Realization hits, you've fallen for them.
Surprise foams out —
Your heart can still love!
Regret crawls on the skin
Like a shedding snake —
Slithering around your neck
Till you can't breathe the air.

Till the only thing you can breathe
Is the toxicity of the love you feel,
Til the only thing you can feel
Is the obsession that you see.

"You reap what you sow", said the scarecrow to the farmer.

chai and an interview with life. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now