- paralysed -

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You know, there is a saying that goes —
"Young love don't last for life."
Do you believe it's true?
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't —
But heartbreak sure does.

I try to put the memories to fire —
But I sympathize with them so,
So happy in the pictures —
Only a lightning away from each other.

All I ever wanted was to be yours —
For you to look at me in the eye
And know that we're going to share this life.
But I guess it wasn't meant to be —
And now you're at the airport
Kissing me goodbye,
As I look down, ashamed —
Crying my life out.

'Forever' is such a con, isn't it?
You still wear that promise ring
That I gave you
Half a millenia ago, —
So pathetically bittersweet.
I don't know what to do with those paintings you gave me —
So beautiful in the memories they reside in,
But now, so disdainful.

Hey, care to tell me
How you're doing now?
At first we kept contact —
Why did you disappear?
Now I'm living day to day
Trying not to think of you,
Trying not to think about all the friends who are getting married,
Trying not to remember the promise you made to me
As you cradled my drowning life in your hands
In the middle of the night.

And now my garden is brown —
And I leave a trail of death on every path I walk on.
Do you see the darkness in my eyes?
Are you still the summer child I knew?
I hope you remain happy,
Happier than ever —
While, excuse me, in my sleep I die.

I wonder how you're doing now —
I know it's not your fault, —
But I can't help my bitter feelings towards you.

At parties, do you still get drunk?
As you kiss the next person out there,
And weave your arms around their waist —
I hope you smell my cologne on them —
Feel uncomfortable and uneasy —
And mourn for the day.

Rain is pouring against my windows
Like the whispers of you, —
Stabbing at my heart
Every now and then.
And everytime I think I can walk again —
Memories of us
Kick me to the ground.

I wish you would just disappear
From my mind.
With you in there, I'm barely surviving.

chai and an interview with life. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now