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"It's time", you whisper to yourself,
As roses as dark as the night
Wrap you in dismay.
"Love is all that there is" —
You comfort yoursrlf
As the battle wounds you gave
Impale you with regret.

Free falling into satan's lair —
"Love will save us", you say.
Piciking a dance with the devil —
"You traded your soul", they say.

Options and choices,
They cloud your head —
"Confound it!" you exclaim.
"What would you do if you could turn back time?"
"Is it really in your power to make things alright?"

You sigh, you ruined a life —
"Repent for your sins", they say.
So you lie around, listless in your advances,
Wasting your life away —
Like the breaths wasted
At the soulless foster shelters.

chai and an interview with life. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now