Chapter #8★ Macaque

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I keep getting dreams of
Sun Wukong and I kissing,
one way or another.

I keep wondering if it's a sign.

I wonder why these keep occuring?
Would he really do this?
Should I... do something?

We've known each other
for so long now,

We basically know every
detail of each other.

He's connected to his Sun ring,
he loves big clothes,
he enjoys friendship,
hates cooking,
hates the cold,
holds grudges,
and more.

He's very special to me...
I don't know why.

I still haven't given him the sun necklace with matches my necklace.

I've been holding it for him for
two and a half years now?

But anyways...
Maybe I really should do
something for him.

I mean, he'd probably do
something similar, right?
If he knew, of course.

I start to make a batch of creampuffs, very carefully following the recipe.

While they bake, I start writing a note to him, using my best handwriting.

“Dear, Sun Wukong
I hope this letter doesn't affect
our relationship too badly
one way or another.

I've really liked you for some time.
You're so pretty and sweet.
It's unbearable sometimes.

When I came over last time,
you were so cute,
just sleeping on my lap.

It truly made me feel something.
Something I tried to ignore.

But how could I stay away?

For once, I've truly realized how much you mean the world to me.

Enough of that,
what I want to say is,
I really like you.

If I could have the honor
of your love, I'd be delighted.

Yours truly, Macaque.”

I finish the creampuffs and find the necklace.

I grab a plate and stack the creampuffs on there.

I put the plate on a tray,
carefully covering the creampuffs
in a wrap to keep them warm.

I tape the necklace I'd been waiting
to give him onto the tray, making sure it wouldn't fall off at any point.

I include a large sticker that says his name onto the letter and go off to deliver it.

I take the tray to his door,
ring the doorbell
and run off into a bush,
peaking through the branches.

He looks around, then notices the tray carefully placed on his outdoor table.

He uncovers one of the
creampuffs and bites it.

He tries mumbling with
his mouth full.

He picks up the card
and opens it, seemingly reading it.

He tilts his head while reading it,
his face a wide arrange of emotions.

“Oh yeah, almost forgot I can't read.”
He shrugs and puts it
back on the tray carefully,
grabbing the necklace instead.

I feel kind of stupid for forgetting that.

He takes everything inside
and closes the door.

I sit in the bush for a few moments,
a bit embarrassed at this point.

I get up and push myself to leave, heading back to my place.

“Well that was a blow...”
I shrug, unsure what to do now.

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