Chapter 8

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Two days later

The sound of my cellphone ringing again forced me away from my sparing lesson with my Dad as I jog over to see who was calling.

Not surprising it was that wolf - Bryce.

That guy has been texting and calling nonstop since I gave him my number three days ago. Like give it a rest dude, I'm not comfortable with all of this yet.

Deciding to let it go to voicemail, I wait for my phone to stop ringing and before I could throw it back in my dufflebag, I see that I have seven unread freaking text messages - SEVEN.

Opening my phone, I roll my eyes seeing that they were all from Bryce.

Bryce: Hey, what's up, Mell?

Absolutely not - that's way too early to answer a freaking text message. Nope. Pack life better not start that early everyday!

Bryce: I'll be at our morning sparing lessons in the Squad Camp if you text back and I miss it.

Bryce: We just finished up morning sparing and I mentioned you to our Alpha again. He's real excited to see what you can do on the sparing field.

Oh just lovely - so their Alpha knows about my love for fighting, is that even allowed in packs besides being on the sparing field?

Bryce: Just checking in, Alpha Titus wanted me to reach out again and see how things are going.

Not great now that you've texted me this many times, Bryce. I was busy enjoying my time with my Dad, thanks.

Bryce: Alpha is a nosey bastard, but don't tell him that I told you that. Lmao! He's just trying to make sure that you're feeling alright with joining the pack and everything.

No - no I'm not feeling alright with joining a wolf pack and everything, Bryce.

Bryce: You good, bro? You're not texting back. I hope I'm not bothering you too much but if I am, let me know and I'll back off. . . I can't say the same thing for the Alpha though, he wants to know everything about you since you're a new wolf joining the pack.

That's awesome. Fudging flip - that's just freaking positively awesome!

Bryce: Alright bro, I'm going to stop texting you now because I'm probably bothering you and I'm definitely not trying to give you the vibe that I'm into guys. HA! So see ya! Text me back if you get the chance but if not then I'll see you when you come to the pack.

Closing the phone after reading the last text message from Bryce, I chuck it back into my dufflebag before tossing the dang thing over my shoulder and walking back over to where my Dad was waiting for me in the middle of our backyard that sat at the edge of the forest.

Our sparing session now coming to an end as I was no longer in the mood to fight.

"One of your pack members again?" Dad questions and I nod, rolling my eyes.

"Why are they so pushy?" I ask, picking up my pads and my water bottle off the ground. "Am I supposed to be thrilled about joining an actual wolf pack?" I ask angrily to no one in particular before glaring at my Dad. "I don't even know why you're making me do this."

"Come on, son," Dad sighs, grabbing his water bottle off the ground as well, following me towards the house. "We've been over this."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I groan, throwing my hands up in the air. "I'm 25 and I'm getting older and I need to learn about our kind and blah, blah, blah."

Claimed by The Moon (previously titled Alpha Titus)Where stories live. Discover now