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Written by the author @GardenOSound

The gems is a book about a world in a different planet and solar system than ours. In the planet Haltude lives beings with powers, Haltude is similar to earth. Good rulers live on Haltude, they control over earth, Haltude is the only planet ruling over earth. When the god gem, ruler over all of Haltude makes helpers for a hard mission, it spawns evil entity's from Galat onto Haltude. Auphora the god gem notices what is happening when she sees a creature with gems she did not create, this creature, marab goes back to his home and confronts a goblin like figure calling him master. These goblins wanted to steal Auphora's powers and destroy earth, so Auphora must get rid of them!

There are 5 books in this series
Gen 1 - this book (will have 12 chapters)
Gen 2 - rough draft started (will have 6 chapters -please note the chapters will be longer-)
Gen 3 - not started (will have 8 chapters)
Gen 4- not started (will have 10 chapters)
Gen 5- not started (will have 10 chapters)

The gems: Gen 1 (original version)Where stories live. Discover now