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(this is the last chapter guys so excited now let's get things going 😀)

Y/n was standing next to suigetsu and Karin from outside her ceremony where orochimaru is waiting for her.  "I can't believe you two are getting married fuyumi and Yuki were born a week ago and now look at you guys I'm gonna start crying" Karin spoke as she has a handkerchief to wipe her tears. 

Y/n gently cups her face with a bright smile "this is a good day and I am also kinda nervous but I'm glad Sakura and the other girls made me stop feeling nervous".  "But look on the bright side we get to see the twins and the new baby on the way after the honeymoon which I'm guessing lord orochimaru will be happy for-" "don't say that please  it's my wedding day suigetsu" the male with white hair chuckles. 

"Alright you two everyone is ready" karin spoke softly as the doors were opening slowly.  Suigetsu linked his arm around the girls arm y/n took in a long breath before letting it out.  "You ready to get the show going?" He asked gently "I'm positive, alright let's get things going I'm ready" the two are standing in the doorway where purple and blue flowers are hanging.  Everyone is already waiting for the bride to start walking down the aisle. 

Kakashi looked up at her as he noticed the nervous look on her face. 






The music starts playing with the two slowly walking forward, orochimaru looked to his fiance now going to be his wife.  Some petals flow in the soft gentle wind as the sun shown through the colored flowers.  He wasn't going to lie to himself she looked just like a lotus flower in a lake with soft glowing light.  Y/n passes Lady Tsunade who waves to her as the twins were cooing softly. 

Her dress flowed gently in the warm weather as the purple petals swept past her beautiful face where her eyes shone with gleaming auras.  Orochimaru was about to say something but he had to stop himself.  The hair piece of a lotus flower shined ever so brightly that it even brought out her genuine beauty.

'what did I do to have this beautiful woman who is so much like an angel In my life' he smiled softly.  Suigetsu stopped in front of the podium as orochimaru stepped down to take her hand in his slender one.  A soft blush somehow made its way to his face where the purple marks around his eyes are.  Y/n walked up the stairs with orochimaru hand in hand smiling softly.  Sakura was about to cry until ino stopped her. 

There the couple are standing in front of each other as the person who's going to preach appears.  Orochimaru widens his eyes to see that it was Jugo holding a book.  "I'm not good at this so please don't laugh...but here goes nothing" "Jugo what are you doing!?" "...welcome everyone uh..I just wanted to say that since the first time lord orochimaru has layed his eyes on this woman standing here today there was a spark between these two which brought the twins into this world...".  The two looked into each other's eyes with compassion and love.  Jugo kept on talking to everyone else that sat in the crowd. 

"Lord orochimaru would you please.." he gasps lightly before snapping back into reality.  Akamaru walked up to them with a pillow tied around his neck holding two rings.  Orochimaru picked up the golden rings.  Turning back to his fiance y/n continues to look at him.  "Y/ beloved lotus flower mother of our children I am happy to be with you on this very day and the other days that bring us...your beauty is so devine it makes my heart beat for you and forever I will be happy to say is that for you to be my wife today and for the rest of our lives" "orochimaru my heart beats for you in return you are my hero and for our future children I will be happy to be your wife and call you my husband" "with these two souls here today...and the vows spoken I will humbly ask for the groom to now put the ring on his bride and through sickness and in health and for many more years to come I congratulate these two on their marriage" Jugo looked up at the two. 

Light rain drops starts to fall from the sky but yet it was sunny still which is strange.  Orochimaru places the ring upon his bride's finger as y/n places the ring upon his finger.  "Now with the rings upon these two souls I can say that the groom may kiss his bride" orochimaru didn't wait any longer as he held his wife in his arms and dipped down Infront of the crowd kissing his wife on the lips. The rain covered them now as the petals fell freely.  Naruto and the others start cheering from this.




After the wedding everyone was celebrating their ceremony y/n and orochimaru stood Infront of the crowd of women as she turned around holding her bouquet of flowers.  Sakura and Ino were both fighting over as they were getting ready to catch it she tosses it in the air as the group of women were reaching up. 

Hinata was the one to catch It she looks over to Naruto with a bright warm smile.  He smiles back with a blush, soon after the entire wedding and after-party ended everyone watched the happily married couple head for their honeymoon. As for the two week old infants Hinata and ino were the ones to babysit them. 

Time skip-

A year passed since their marriage orochimaru and y/n had a son after.   Soon everything was peaceful for the family.  The girl was happy to see her two daughters playing with their father as the father smiled softly down at his daughters.  The newborn son was named Mitsui he looked like his mother but had his father's eyes.  She smiled down her baby boy happy and safe with her husband and kids.


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