Don't swallow him whole!

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I woke up, Leon crouching down, his hand on my arm. "Y/N, hey, welcome back to the land of the living" he says with a tiny smile on his face. I rub my eyes, "Are you alright?" I ask. I'm genuinely concerned for Leon...
He laughs slightly, "Im fine, don't worry about me okay?" He tells me, patting my arm then getting up and offering his hand for me to lift myself up. I do that and brush the dirt off of my clothes.

(Time Skip)

We found a lake with a convenient boat at the dock. There is some villagers in the middle of the lake in a boat dumping a headless body into it. "Shit..." i say whilst Leon decides to jump onto the boat. "Come on, we need to cross the lake if to get to Ashley." He tells me, revving up the engine of the small boat. I hop on, sitting down opposite of Leon. I cling onto the boat.
"So, where is Ashley being held?" I ask, trying to talk to him. He looks at me, still driving the boat, "I believe at a church." He says before his eyes widen and he shouts, "Y/N, come next to me, right now!" I do as he says and launch myself next to him which rocks the boat. I look before me, what the fuck... "Leon, what the fuck is that?!" I ask, terrified.
"I don't know, but look, we have spears maybe we ca-" he starts to say while throwing one at it. It's attached to our boat with road and it is now into the monster before he gets cut off - the monster is now attached to our boat, and it drags us along. "Fuck!" He says, getting more spears and throwing them onto the monster, hurting it. I do the same, "Are you gonna have enough?!" I ask. He replies, "I don't know but i sure hope!"

The monster gets unstuck from our boat, sending the boat rocking constantly, we both grab on for dear life. When it calms down, the humongous monster is swimming towards us, opening its huge mouth. "Someone forgot to brush their teeth this morning!" I say as Leon stabs it in the mouth. It backs off before Leon drives the boat to follow it. "Thought you could swallow me whole huh?!" He shouts, proud with himself whilst throwing even more spears at it. We're on our last 3, i take one and throw it, it ends up in the beast's head, sticking out and blood flowing into the river. "Nice shot Y/N!" Leon praises me. I can't help but smile. Leon takes the last 2 and throws 1 after the other, finally killing it.

Leon pants and so do i, we're both trying to catch our breath. Leon stops the boat and we both sit down next to eachover. Leon coughs, blood coming out. Just as i did yesterday... "Hey Leon, you okay?" I ask, rubbing his back. He doesn't respond, all he does is looks into the bloody water and faints. "Leon!!!" I scream, kneeling beside him. I check his pulse, its elevated and his heart is beating faster than normal... I check mine, the exact same. Is it from the fight? Or...from something else...

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