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Leon and i are sitting close to one another...the sofa is large, really large, yet he chose to sit this close to me. He gets out his shotgun and begins to reload. "This will come in handy so i need to make sure it's all in order. Could you reload my handgun for me, yn?" He smiles. I nod and take his handgun carefully, i reload it then hand it back to Leon.
"Do you think we'll survive all of this?" I ask out of nowhere. He looks up, and smirks.
"We will. Don't worry, okay?" He replies. There is something about him that is just calmimg and comforting...even in a messed up situation like this!
"Thankyou." I say. Smiling and looking into his deep blue eyes. He looks slightly confused,
"For what?" He asks. I laugh slightly, is he being modest? Or is he honestly confused?
"For everything. Without you...i'd be dead. And so would Ashley." I smile. He grins, happy with what he just heard.
"No big deal. Just doing my job." He smiles, then turns his head to look at a map he pulled out of his pocket.
"You were ordered to save and secure Ashley, correct?" I say. He looks at me and nods. "You didn't need to save me, yet you did. And you still are. So for that Leon Kennedy, i thank you." I smile, i really mean it. I am in awe of the man sitting next to me, not just because i have a crush on him...but because he is a genuinely amazing person.
He smiles then does something...unpredictable...

He grabs my face gently and pulls me closer, his lips touching mine. I shut my eyes, is this really happening? Am i dreaming? Did he just...kiss me?! He breaks apart the kiss and chuckles slightly, then looks back to his map. My face is now most likely as red as a tomato at this point. I try to say something but all that comes out is a small squeak. "L-Leon?" I say, finally managing to get a word out.
"Yes, yn?" He smiles warmly.
"W...what was that for...?" I ask, my body hot and my heart beating as fast as it can go. Leon just smiles and caresses my cheek gently.
"It's a you're welcome." He says. I can see a blush on his face, i immediately smile.
"Thats one heck of a 'you're welcome'" I laugh. He laughs with me, his laugh is beautiful. "" i start to say before he cuts me off, kissing me once more, this time with more passion, a hand on each side of my face. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer. I can't breath, i need oxygen but i don't want to leave this moment. Leon pulls away & gasps for air & i do the same. I laugh slightly, "If the last kiss was a 'you're welcome' kiss, then what was that?" I ask. He chuckles & smiles,
"That was a...because i like you kiss..." he whispers, awkwardly but sincerely. I smile, looking into his crystal blue eyes. I stroke his hair, and i move closer to him. I kiss him gently, only for a second though. "Thats a i like you too kiss fyi!" I laugh. He chuckles and smiles. I can't believe this is happening a special agent i have watched murder hundreds of evil villagers...

The moment was ruined by screaming, "LEON!!!" A familiar voice screamed from just outside of the door. I know that scream...Ashley!!! I thought Leon had the key though! "Leon, check your pockets, do you still have the key to Ashley's cell?" I say urgently, he checks his pockets,
"Fuck...i don't." He says distraught.
"Leon could you shoot the door with your shotgun? The door is wooden, if you shoot it, it should collapse! Just like the cultist's sheilds!" I say, see, i am smart.
"Clever girl." He praises me, i smile smugly. He shoots the door and it crumbles into shard like peices of wood on the floor. Leon runs out and sees Ashley being taken, he shoots the guy taking her and she falls to the ground. I get out my pistol and kill the guy, blood splattering on my face.

Leon helps Ashley up, "Where were you guys? I was in that place for ages and then that...dude...came and unlocked the cell!" She complains, rightfully so too. "We got locked in that room over there...and yeah." I speak, awkwardly. Ashley just nods and Leon replies, "Yeah. We should continue through the dungeon like place, it may be our only chance of getting further." He turns to me and then sees the blood on my cheek, he comes closer to me and looks down into my eyes, and smiles. He gets rid of the blood, winks at me then turns back around, leading the way for Ashley and I. Ashley just saw that whole thing and is standing there wide eyed.

We both follow Leon, and i see for myself where Ashley was stuck the whole time that Leon and I were having our 'moment'. "Oh Ashley im so sorry this is terrifying!" I say, she laughs, "tell me about it." She rolls her eyes and giggles.

Further on, Leon is infront of us and Ashley sparks up a conversation. "Mind telling me what happened when you guys were locked up?" She smiles, nudging me slightly.
"Usual...stuff..." I lie, that warm feeling and the memories of Leon kissing me and the way his soft lips felt against mine all coming back to me...i feel as if i am in heaven. I giggle slightly, "Whatever you say. Hey Romeo, mind telling me what happened back there with yn?" Ashley laughs at her own Romeo joke.
"Not much..." Leon whispers, his posture changing to even more upright than it already was, all the memories obviously flowing back to him too. "Mind your own business, 'mom'" He laughs.


Aaaa i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i really wanted Leon to make a move in this one. I feel as if he'd be upfront but also awkward at the same time...i hope i portrayed that well in this! Also this is the first chapter that has over 1000 words in it 👀👀👀

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